Sunday, January 15, 2012


It doesn’t matter if church starts at 9am or 1pm.  We’re still late!  I’m not sure I should laugh or cry about my last few days.
I really did a number on my family by having a bad attitude for a few days.
Just goes to prove that mothers really are the heart of the home. (and I really need my sleep!)

World War 3 broke out last night at 4am in our house.  Can you imagine the attitudes that were exposed when 2 Hobi boys and 2 Hobi parents were competing for sleep.  A certain “little one” came into my room AGAIN.  Not wanting my sleep to be further disrupted I placed the little one at the bottom of brothers bed- only to wake him and make him angry to have a visitor.

I quickly escaped their room thinking they both would be too tired to put up too much grief.  Boy was I wrong!  It went on and on...

Then the little one was afraid of the dark and wanted the light on...Brother was annoyed and wanted the light off!

I went to bed last night in a bad mood.  By 4am it hadn’t improved much.

I’ve experienced something like this before.  I remember being angry that I just wanted to be in a bad mood all by myself.  The same thing that happened then happened again.  Days following my “entitled bad day” were ugly with the kids.

I need to be a better example and put on a happy face for a day.  We’d all be better off.

Better yet, I should hire a baby sitter and leave.

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