Thursday, January 26, 2012

BIG abi

Kids really do grow up over night!  I’ve heard it said before and knew someday I would say it too but I assumed it would be when they were all grown.  
I was all about my kids growing up when I had 3 seat belts to buckle, 3 cups to fill with milk and 3 bums to wipe!  I was ready for some milestones and frankly some of them didn’t come soon enough.
I remember the days when I would go to the library to waste time.  Sit outside and color the patio with chalk, and watch the clock Tick-Tock ever so slowly.  My days seemed SO long.  I had a routine at night which included a 45 minuet bath! (for the kids not me)

Today things are very different.  My clock doesn’t Tick or Tock anymore.  It ZOOMS!  I’m in full throttle the moment my feet are out of bed.
I don’t answer Super Hero questions anymore.  Instead I pin posters of Michael Jordan and Jimmer Ferdett on walls.

I don’t pick up princesses, I drop off movies.  

I loved the little kid stage, but I’m enjoying the bigger kids phase too.

I like to think I have the best of both worlds right now.  While my older 3 are off to school all day I stay at home with Little Abi in the “Little” stage.  I love listening to Dora and Boots while I am cleaning.  I love nap time and sippy cups.  But today, Abi went and messed everything up!

I’m not kidding when I say she woke up a different child!  She did!  As of today she started talking in sentences.  Her little belly was poking out of her shirt and she walked like a KID not a toddler.  It was like a whole new world opened up today for her.  She walked me to my closet when I told her I needed to get dressed and pointed to my side and said: “There it is!”
After I was dressed and pulled my hair up she called me a “Princess.” 
I fell in love with a different girl today.  She is a Big girl. 

She took my snack and ate it all.  I sat on the floor and watched her grow up in front of me.  I love her so much.

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