Friday, January 6, 2012


Today I spent 5 hours in IKEA!

Again, I have to take back what I said earlier this week about hating ALL shopping.

I like shopping at IKEA. I could spend DAYS there.
I had to leave after 5 hours because my friend and I had kids getting off the bus. (and our babies were SCREAMING by that time of day without naps!)

I seriously thought about how nice it would be to shop all day at IKEA- stay in a Hotel across the street and do it again the next day! (Without my kids of course.)

I like the possibilities IKEA has to offer.
My house could use an IKEA facelift.
Maybe this is that “Need for Change” I’m itching for around this time of year.
I will return to IKEA next week with measurements!

1 comment:

Ember Hobi said...

This is your husband. Should I be worried?