Monday, January 30, 2012


Life lessons never come at a convenient time for me.  
I learn that I need to exercise self control when I am really hungry.
I learn that my true self is NOT kind when I am uncomfortable.  
And I find I want to cry when I am over whelmed.
It’s in the Heat of these moments that I have a choice to make, and most the time during those moments I’m feeling sorry for myself.

Today Jarom had one of these "Life Lessons" also.  He didn't want to participate in something I committed to having him attend.  He did a great job expressing his feelings.  He explained to me why he didn't want to be there and what he was feeling inside and begged me to let him stay home.
I totally understood what he was feeling.  I remember feeling the same when I was a kid
As he was squirming in the seat next to me I wanted to take away his uncomfortable feelings.  I wanted to tell him he didn't have to go but I knew this was "One of those Life Lessons" that can only be learned by experiencing it.
I knew what he was feeling in the car, on the way, was a lot worse than the actual event.  
It was HIS OWN MISCONCEPTION that was causing the fear.  I knew once he got there everything would be fine.
And it was. 
He lacked confidence in himself, but had to move forward.
Those moments are scary and hard.  But those moments make you into something.

Spreading the love in the HobiHome:

She's wondering why I am standing on a chair.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Trying it on for size

This weekend I had a lot on my mind.  I've been mentally busy.. That's what India does to me.
So, in order to get motivated and focused on my housework I tried something new.  I put on HUGE (but very nice) headphones.  I washed windows, dusted, vacuumed and many other tedious chores while enjoying my favorite music.  I like the headphones over just playing music throughout the house because I coudn't hear ANYTHING going on around me.  I blocked out all distractions.  It was fun!

For hours (like 3) I busied myself about the house in my own world.
During this "productive escape" I came across some things that made me laugh.

I am one of those people who don't take tags off things- just in case I decide I want to take it back.
Sam, on the other hand, rips the tag off the second he gets home.  
I want to be sure it's the right thing for me.  It's sorta like I have a trial period.
This doesn't pertain to clothing only.  
For instance:

These items are still sitting in my house with tags on them.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep them, I just haven't established a process of WHEN to take the tag off.

While I was cleaning Sam took the boys to buy new shoes.  He surprised me with a few things!  
I LOVE "comfy" clothes in the winter.  
So much that I wear Sam's football sweats from College more than he does.  They are oversized and so warm!
So, he bought me my own! (even though he admits he loves seeing me in his)

I love them too!  Right after I put them on I took off the obvious tags then made a quick errand to a friends house. While I was there I realized a tag was still attached to my bottom!  I had to laugh...this isn't the first time thats happened!

Then, today as I was dressing for church I pulled on a skirt I have worn many, many times and found the tag still attached inside! ha!  
What does this say about me?  I have issues!
I'm not the only one...
I just found this pic.  It made me laugh.  My kids think its funny to play with the photo booth on my Mac.
This one makes me want to cry.  She is so fun!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

BIG abi

Kids really do grow up over night!  I’ve heard it said before and knew someday I would say it too but I assumed it would be when they were all grown.  
I was all about my kids growing up when I had 3 seat belts to buckle, 3 cups to fill with milk and 3 bums to wipe!  I was ready for some milestones and frankly some of them didn’t come soon enough.
I remember the days when I would go to the library to waste time.  Sit outside and color the patio with chalk, and watch the clock Tick-Tock ever so slowly.  My days seemed SO long.  I had a routine at night which included a 45 minuet bath! (for the kids not me)

Today things are very different.  My clock doesn’t Tick or Tock anymore.  It ZOOMS!  I’m in full throttle the moment my feet are out of bed.
I don’t answer Super Hero questions anymore.  Instead I pin posters of Michael Jordan and Jimmer Ferdett on walls.

I don’t pick up princesses, I drop off movies.  

I loved the little kid stage, but I’m enjoying the bigger kids phase too.

I like to think I have the best of both worlds right now.  While my older 3 are off to school all day I stay at home with Little Abi in the “Little” stage.  I love listening to Dora and Boots while I am cleaning.  I love nap time and sippy cups.  But today, Abi went and messed everything up!

I’m not kidding when I say she woke up a different child!  She did!  As of today she started talking in sentences.  Her little belly was poking out of her shirt and she walked like a KID not a toddler.  It was like a whole new world opened up today for her.  She walked me to my closet when I told her I needed to get dressed and pointed to my side and said: “There it is!”
After I was dressed and pulled my hair up she called me a “Princess.” 
I fell in love with a different girl today.  She is a Big girl. 

She took my snack and ate it all.  I sat on the floor and watched her grow up in front of me.  I love her so much.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lion King on Broadway

The last time I took the kids to Broadway I swore I’d never do it again.  Well, I gave it another shot.  This time Sam went with us.  It turned out much better.  
Today was a family fun day.  We surprised the kids and picked them up from school at 1pm and drove into New York for the day.
It was hard to believe it is January.  No snow on the ground and beautiful, but chilly, day.
We hung around Time Square, had dinner at the Shake Shack then went to the Lion King.  

Sam purchased the tickets in December  and got great seats.  We were the 3rd row from the stage.  It was a great show.  I love watching people use their talents.  I especially love watching singers perform.  I defiantly didn’t get that gift so I marvel at others ability to do it so well.

We left Abi with a baby sitter.  The kids were so excited to pick her up.  They love her so much.
I love living so close to New York.  The best part is spending the entire day in New York but getting to sleep in my own bed!
It’s way past our bedtime!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I realized today that I am a pretty darn good sleeper!  I don’t do anything better than how I sleep.
When I am sleeping I am 100% committed!  
I took a nap with Abi today and she gave me some competition!  We went down at noon and I had a very hard time getting out of bed at 4pm!!  Yes, I said 4 in the afternoon!  I had to go wake Abi too.  She has always been a great sleeper.
Unlike her, I wake up wishing I had more time to sleep.  I could always use more sleep.  Abi wakes up laughing.  She is bouncing in her crib ready to love everyone around her.
I need time to wake up.  I don’t like people asking me questions that need a response.  Things like:
“Mom, what’s for breakfast” or
“What are we going to do today?” don’t fly well with me.
I feel suffocated with having to use my brain right as I wake up.

I was thinking today how sleep gets 100% of me.  NOTHING gets 100% of me!  No wonder we are such good companions. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kids, we're going to India...

Today we made the announcement to the kids.  Ideally, we wouldn’t have told them till the day before we left but since it’s in the local Newspapers I figured it’s best they hear it from me rather than someone else.

I pulled up the Newspaper article on the Computer and had Jarom read it out loud.  It mentions the ages and names of my kids going to India with me.  They didn’t respond like I thought they would.  I was expecting more excitement.  It took them a few hundred questions to understand what it meant.
As expected the first thing Jarom said was:  “What about Abi?”
I explained that she would not be going and it broke their hearts.  They are so worried that she is going to be so sad without them.  I reassured them that she would be in good hands.
As the day wore on sudden bursts of excitement would come from one of them as they hammered me with more questions about what it would be like.
Jace asked if we will drive the RV there.  He LOVED our Road Trip to Nauvoo last year.
Jennica wanted to know what clothes she would pack.
Jarom asked if he could watch Sports on the airplane.

We booked our flights today.  That was a scary moment.  Just before clicking the “Purchase Tickets“ button I got really scared.  
”What if this is a crappy airline?  What if one of us gets sick?  This is a lot of MONEY!”
After the “CLICK” I felt better.  It was official!  No turning back.  
Then I got excited.
This is going to be so much fun!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

30 Day Challenge (sort of)

I like to listen to K-LOVE radio.  In fact, that’s the only music I listen to.  I really like it because there are NO commercials.  NONE!
Some of the songs are lame, but for the most part I really enjoy the music.  

Jarom and I were listening on the way to basketball one day and he mentioned he liked it when the DJ’s are on the air.  He said they always have interesting things to talk about.  I agree with him.  
Positive, Encouraging, K-Love is their motto.  That’s the way we like it.

I don’t have worry about my kids being exposed to language, lyrics, or news I find offensive.  I actually get the exact opposite.  

My kids get to hear other adults, they find funny, talk about Christ making a difference in a life.  They hear songs that encourage faith and love and they hear scriptures being applied to REAL LIFE!  

At the onset of New Year’s K-LOVE began a 30 day challenge of only listening to Christian music for 30 days.  Then after 30 days evaluate any difference you feel in your life.
I didn’t find it necessary to accept the 30 day Challenge because I already did that- and I LOVE the difference!  I mostly listen to the radio only in the car.  But I noticed the difference right away.  I loved the feelings and thoughts I had while driving.  

I’m sold on it.

I like this concept of a 30 day Challenge.  They explained that giving yourself 30 days to try something new fosters better habits and confidence in goal planning.  Instead of saying your going to be a vegetarian from now on- they suggest you give yourself 30 days.  If you enjoy the change after 30 days go on with it.  If it didn’t turn out to be what you expected AFTER 30 days you stop.  

I want to try a 30 day challenge of keeping my fridge clean!  I really wonder if I can so it!  How often does one clean out the fridge?  It usually sneaks up on me and I’m so disgusted by it I call in an emergency cleaning squad (that would be ME) and do a major clean up.
This happened to me yesterday.  I dove in and worked a number on the fridge!
Now, how hard is it to keep it clean and organized for 30 days?
We shall see...

Oh wait!  I’m a fresh start girl.  I have to start something like this at the beginning of the month.  Turning the page on a calendar does wonders to me!  I LOVE a fresh start!  

I will do this fridge thing for 11 days!  That’s all I have left in Jan.  I guess we’ll call this a pre-run.  Then Feb. 1st I’ll start a NEW challenge!!! 

In the News

I’ve had many sleepless nights this week.  Not because of too much chocolate, this time.  Yes, I still have a little one that wanders into my room almost nightly but he’s not the cause either.
This is why I can’t sleep: Read it here

Dani, from Rising Star called and asked me to Coordinate the Spring Session in India.  How can I refuse that?  I get to recruit people and then introduce them to the Rising Star Life!

Let me be clear, I’m losing sleep because I am so excited to bring my family!  I can’t believe I am returning already.  

I remember the day I left Rising Star last July. As I hugged Pam, the Director, she whispered in my ear;
 "I think we'll be seeing you again."  
I thought of her comments on the long ride to the airport and wondered why she said that.  My time in India was a once in a life time experience...or so I thought.

Now I climb in bed and my mind takes off to India.
Won’t you come with me?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Mom's job

This morning was bitter cold outside.  I sat in the car bouncing in my seat as I waited for the heat to kick in.  Once the kids piled in I turned around to reverse out of the driveway.  I noticed Jennica (8 years) didn't brush her hair.  It was obvious bed head.
I paused for a moment wondering if she was sensitive to her image at this age.
"Jen..." I chose my words carefully.  "Did you want to brush your hair before we left or are you alright with how it looks?"
She rolled her eyes upward, as if she was getting a good look at herself, and carelessly answered,
"No, I'm fine how it is."
I admired her confidence and wondered if I cared at that age.  (I don't think I did)

Eight hours later she is home sitting at the table doing her homework.
I turn to look at her and see pity on her face.
"Did you even do your hair today?" she wonders.

I was speechless.  This was a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black!
She had no recollection of our conversation this morning.
I  showered earlier today and let it air dry.  Apparently leaving much to be desired.  This is how I roll when Sam is out of town.

I took the whole clan to Costco this evening. (after a quick up-do)
Costco is the place to be on Wednesday night.  No one was there.  I let my kids roam free.  Jarom hung out by the books, Jennica attacked all the food samples, Jace circled me like a vulture, and Abi pushed the cart like a bulldozer.

When it was time to check out I put Jarom in charge of Abi while I chatted with an old man buying flowers for his date tonight.  He stood aside and watched my kids buzzing around with a big smile on his face.  Then he asked me; "What do you do?"
"What do I do?"
"Yes, are you a Mom?" he clarified
"I am a Mom.  A Full Time Mom."  I laughed.
He chuckled and continued to watch us like we were puppies.

By now the cashier was laughing.
Jace was circling a pole, Abi was chasing him, Jarom was shooting shots at an imaginary basketball hoop while Jennica had her face buried in the Roald Dahl box set I just purchased.  Apparently we were quite entertaining.
I am so glad I am a "Mom 24/7".
Yesterday I heard about this link on K-Love about what a Stay at home Mom's salary would pay up to be.
I checked it out.  I'd make some pretty good money for the hours I put here at the Hobi Home.

MOM Salary Wizard
Match a Job
Make it Local
See Paycheck
If paid, the typical Stay at Home Mom in the United States would earn the pay shown below for her work as a mother.
National Range
National Low
National Median
National High
Local Range
Make it local by adding your ZIP code:

Especially living in a New York Suburb!  I'm worth some good money! I don't want the money now.  I just want the blessings AFTER! :)

And here is a crazy story about a Baby born on a NY train this week!

Desktop Plaque

  Desktop Plaque
Invitations, announcements and Christmas cards by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I love my MAC

I am such a Night Owl.  My creative juices just get flowing when it’s bed time.  I can sit down to a project on my MAC and 5 hours will be gone before I blink.
While I was working on Rising Star videos I had to force myself to go to bed at 2 am to be able to wake up the kids the next morning.  For me, a good day is ALL day on my MAC!
Last night I discovered new features on Blogger.  I stayed up way too late creating blogs!  (Loved every minute)
This is my latest Hobi Home Video.  I need to get working on a Valentines Day video.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Day= Pajama Day

It was nice having an extra day off today.  I slept in till 9:30am.  I love that the older kids can hold their own in the mornings.  Abi is even content hanging out with the big kids till I wake from the dead.

I taught Jennica how to make pancakes.  (She’s 8)  She said she would make pancakes if I forget to wake up this week.  I told her if I forget to wake up this week she would have bigger problems than just no breakfast!

I was in a better mood today.  I tried extra hard to listen to Jace while he talked.  He must have ALL of your attention while talking to you or he starts his story ALL over again!  Sometimes it’s exhausting just waiting for him to get to the point.  
Today I did better.  I patiently looked at him as he HAD to explain everything (I just watched) Abi do.  
I noticed how handsome he is becoming.  I told him he looked older today and he agreed.  He said he noticed too when he looked in the mirror.  He said he thinks it’s because he just left his “bed head“ instead of fixing it.

Abi is saying a lot more too.  It so cute to hear her little voice, but I want her to continue signing.  She will sign and say the words most the time but I know this will lessen as her speech takes off.
Today she told me she would be ”right back“ as she left the room.  I have some videos of her doing sign language I need to post.

For Family Home Evening we had a great family discussion on Martin Luther King.  I guess it was more like a mini History lesson.  We talked about the Emancipation Proclamation and read MLK’s Dream Speech.  All of us had comments and questions to share.  I thought it was cool that this topic suited all ages of our young family.  (Great job Sam!)
For the activity we played our family favorite- Pictureka!  This is the ONLY game I have ever witnessed Sam lose.  Our little Jennica is UNSTOPPABLE!! It’s a quick find game and no matter how we scramble the boards Jennica is on FIRE.  It’s comical to watch.  I am so bad at it.  I love to play it just to see Sam loose! ha

I spent most my day transferring my Ember in India blog to Blogger.  It’s still work in progress but you can fin it at

Sunday, January 15, 2012


It doesn’t matter if church starts at 9am or 1pm.  We’re still late!  I’m not sure I should laugh or cry about my last few days.
I really did a number on my family by having a bad attitude for a few days.
Just goes to prove that mothers really are the heart of the home. (and I really need my sleep!)

World War 3 broke out last night at 4am in our house.  Can you imagine the attitudes that were exposed when 2 Hobi boys and 2 Hobi parents were competing for sleep.  A certain “little one” came into my room AGAIN.  Not wanting my sleep to be further disrupted I placed the little one at the bottom of brothers bed- only to wake him and make him angry to have a visitor.

I quickly escaped their room thinking they both would be too tired to put up too much grief.  Boy was I wrong!  It went on and on...

Then the little one was afraid of the dark and wanted the light on...Brother was annoyed and wanted the light off!

I went to bed last night in a bad mood.  By 4am it hadn’t improved much.

I’ve experienced something like this before.  I remember being angry that I just wanted to be in a bad mood all by myself.  The same thing that happened then happened again.  Days following my “entitled bad day” were ugly with the kids.

I need to be a better example and put on a happy face for a day.  We’d all be better off.

Better yet, I should hire a baby sitter and leave.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

If Mama aint Happy...

I was grumpy Mama bear today.  I couldn’t shake it either.  The sad thing is I know attitude is a choice.
I wanted to be grumpy...ALL day.

This also means my entire house was this way too.  I barked orders all morning to get chores done when I didn’t need to be so ugly.
It actually turned out to be a good thing that I was so grumpy while I cleaned the basement with the kids.  I threw away A LOT of stuff.  Sentimental things weren’t giving me warm and fuzzy’s.  I trashed them all!

We had dinner at a friends house tonight.  It was nice to escape the house for a few hours and visit with adults.
But I’m really tired right now and I even slept in till 10:30am!  I’m still recovering from Thursday Night.
I NEED my sleep.
I’m getting old.

Jace lost his FIRST tooth Thursday Night!  You can imagine my surprise Wednesday morning when he announced he lost his tooth late last night and the Tooth Fairy came!  This was news to me.  (Kudos to Mr. Hobi!)

He has been waiting for this tooth to come out for a LONG time.  He even asked Santa for a loose tooth!
Our Tooth Fairy is pretty reliable... most the time.   She still reminds us of Aunt April.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Love Club Hangover?

Love Club Hangover...sounds rebellious and naughty, right?  It so wasn’t.

Last night I “fell off the wagon” so-to-speak and it ran over me a few times.

Is there such a thing as a Chocolate hangover? I’ve never drank alochol (unless you count the Strawberry Wine Cooler that I rebelliously smelled and sipped once as a teenager while working at a grocery store in Zion National Park)  but if you saw the way I stumbled into the house at 2:30am this morning I think you would have suspected I was “under the influence.“  

And then once I told you I was at “LOVE CLUB” eating fruit dipped in chocolate, discussing religion, relationships and birth with my girlfriends you would call me a liar as I curled up into the fetal position and whimpered in pain.

The truth is I really was at “Love Club” having major “girl chat” till the wee hours of the morning.  "Oh, how I enjoyed it too!"  I do realize I am a huge hypocrite as I just posted healthy foods this week and then I go off on a chocolate binge.  But I did qualify this weakness in this post-  I Quote, “I am so fickle at best.”

I do allow an unhealthy divulgance to chocolate once a month at the above said “LOVE CLUB”  This is the official name to describe a meeting of women of different ages culture and/or religious beliefs or background getting together monthly to discuss various topics about life and relationships.  I look forward to these meetings.  It’s so refreshing!   And my friend Monique, creator of Love Club, always makes the best chocolate... something!  I enjoy every bite.  Those sweet moments are savored!  No guilt attached at all.  

Last night she also made cream cheese chocolate muffins.  It wasn’t enough that they were already full of sweet goodness...I had to dip it into chocolate too!  I did notice I was the only one that emptied my little dish full of dipping chocolate!
My body went into sugar shock at the same time I climbed into my car.  

It was raining outside and there was a lot of fog.  I couldn’t see 10 feet ahead of me as I drove through the winding roads of my slumbering town.  I had the heater cranked, wipers flying, brights on, and K-LOVE ringing in my ears when I was overcome with the desire to vomit!  I was so car sick.  I was the one driving!  

I was so happy to flop into bed  and try really hard NOT to think about chocolate and NOT to think about the duties that would face me when the sun came up.  I just wanted to be asleep, but of course sleep didn’t come to me.  
Instead I lay there thinking about the funny things shared that night, and how grateful I am to know such amazing women.

Morning came and I managed to get my kids to the school bus on time.  I rushed inside creeping quietly back upstairs hoping to sneak back to sleep before the baby awoke.
I pulled the covers over my head and let out a sigh of relief.....


it was still worth it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Healthy Foods

I don’t intend this to be a food blog, but FOOD is very much a part of my life.  (Especially when I am transforming into...TOTAL HOTNESS! hahaha)
I’ve played this game before. (and won 1st place!)  I know what it takes to loose weight.  It takes  me throwing out all the ice cream and chocolate.  I’m pretty confident that I ate chocolate or ice cream almost daily since October.  It was that darn Halloween Candy staring at me all day long!
And the darn Ben and Jerry’s that Sam would bring home!  (He was sabotaging me!)  It’s a known fact around here that I can out eat anyone in ice cream.  I’m just getting started with a PINT. 

I’ve been “The Biggest Looser” before and I did it by eating right.  So, today I pulled out some of my old favorites.
Blueberry yogurt w/ cottage cheese.
This is great with any flavor yogurt.  I especially like Chobani yogurt because it has live active cultures and probiotics. (which means it helps digestion and is good to your stomach lining)  It's a thicker yogurt and not full of sugar so if your looking for the candy tasting yogurt this is NOT it.  And I always buy 4% cottage cheese-even when I'm loosing weight.  I like this brand because the ingredients are natural and simple. If you look at the ingredients to your food you want all items to be REAL not crazy chemical names.

"Killer salad" Named by Jarom
This is my lunch, and I could eat it for lunch EVERYDAY! (and I did while in a Biggest Looser competition and I won!) Even on days when I'm super hungry this salad does the trick!
Not all lettuce is created equal! I always use ROMAINE salad.  Iceberg lettuce has NO nutritional value.  Romaine is so much better for you. I dump pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cranberries, cheese, crackers, and half an avocado on my salad.  I use a yogurt dressing.

Lentil Tacos

I love these tacos.  They are tasty and I can have them on the table in 15 minuets flat!
Just add taco seasoning (check the ingredients. NO MSG. )

and Green smoothie.

I forgot to mention where I learned about Green Smoothies.  Check out the Green Smoothie Girl!  I bought her manual and learned so much about healthy food!
Today I added the other half of my avocado to the smoothie and no one even noticed.  It was a bit thicker but no one noticed.  Not even Jennica!

I'm a big believer in eating Fresh, Whole and Natural Foods.  When I don't eat them my body reacts.  That's where I am today.  I've got to get back to the basics.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Total Hotness!"

I’m on a mission.  A mission to total “Hotness!” 
I have till Cinco De Mayo to transform my current body to...TOTAL HOTNESS!

Ok, so the real story goes something like this:

Sam and I are fat and lazy.  We don’t like how we feel with our extra weight so we did what we ALWAYS do and pulled out the Double Dare!
Nothing gets me moving like a little COMPETITION!!

I can tell he’s a little nervous about this.  He’s prodding around trying to get me to tell him what workouts I’m doing.
I know he wants my idea’s but I’m NOT falling for his tricks!

I have Mommy Power!  
I’m doing crazy workouts all day long!  Who needs the Gym?
I’m up and down 2 flights of STAIRS a billion times a day!  I’m RUNNING errands, LIFTING Abi every time she says
“Hold You” and I’m CURLING my hair a few times a week!
Each morning I do a few good STRETCHES in bed and SIT UPS every time I get out of bed.  I SQUAT in the bathroom all the time and have a two year supply  of PULL UPS .

He’s got NOTHING on me!

Poor guy.  He’s up and running outside in FREEZING temperatures before the sun comes up.  Sometimes I think he tries to hard. 

Today I boosted my stair climbing workout by carrying this 50lb bag of salt.  Ahhh, hurts so good!