Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I love my MAC

I am such a Night Owl.  My creative juices just get flowing when it’s bed time.  I can sit down to a project on my MAC and 5 hours will be gone before I blink.
While I was working on Rising Star videos I had to force myself to go to bed at 2 am to be able to wake up the kids the next morning.  For me, a good day is ALL day on my MAC!
Last night I discovered new features on Blogger.  I stayed up way too late creating blogs!  (Loved every minute)
This is my latest Hobi Home Video.  I need to get working on a Valentines Day video.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Day= Pajama Day

It was nice having an extra day off today.  I slept in till 9:30am.  I love that the older kids can hold their own in the mornings.  Abi is even content hanging out with the big kids till I wake from the dead.

I taught Jennica how to make pancakes.  (She’s 8)  She said she would make pancakes if I forget to wake up this week.  I told her if I forget to wake up this week she would have bigger problems than just no breakfast!

I was in a better mood today.  I tried extra hard to listen to Jace while he talked.  He must have ALL of your attention while talking to you or he starts his story ALL over again!  Sometimes it’s exhausting just waiting for him to get to the point.  
Today I did better.  I patiently looked at him as he HAD to explain everything (I just watched) Abi do.  
I noticed how handsome he is becoming.  I told him he looked older today and he agreed.  He said he noticed too when he looked in the mirror.  He said he thinks it’s because he just left his “bed head“ instead of fixing it.

Abi is saying a lot more too.  It so cute to hear her little voice, but I want her to continue signing.  She will sign and say the words most the time but I know this will lessen as her speech takes off.
Today she told me she would be ”right back“ as she left the room.  I have some videos of her doing sign language I need to post.

For Family Home Evening we had a great family discussion on Martin Luther King.  I guess it was more like a mini History lesson.  We talked about the Emancipation Proclamation and read MLK’s Dream Speech.  All of us had comments and questions to share.  I thought it was cool that this topic suited all ages of our young family.  (Great job Sam!)
For the activity we played our family favorite- Pictureka!  This is the ONLY game I have ever witnessed Sam lose.  Our little Jennica is UNSTOPPABLE!! It’s a quick find game and no matter how we scramble the boards Jennica is on FIRE.  It’s comical to watch.  I am so bad at it.  I love to play it just to see Sam loose! ha

I spent most my day transferring my Ember in India blog to Blogger.  It’s still work in progress but you can fin it at emberinindia.blogspot.com

Sunday, January 15, 2012


It doesn’t matter if church starts at 9am or 1pm.  We’re still late!  I’m not sure I should laugh or cry about my last few days.
I really did a number on my family by having a bad attitude for a few days.
Just goes to prove that mothers really are the heart of the home. (and I really need my sleep!)

World War 3 broke out last night at 4am in our house.  Can you imagine the attitudes that were exposed when 2 Hobi boys and 2 Hobi parents were competing for sleep.  A certain “little one” came into my room AGAIN.  Not wanting my sleep to be further disrupted I placed the little one at the bottom of brothers bed- only to wake him and make him angry to have a visitor.

I quickly escaped their room thinking they both would be too tired to put up too much grief.  Boy was I wrong!  It went on and on...

Then the little one was afraid of the dark and wanted the light on...Brother was annoyed and wanted the light off!

I went to bed last night in a bad mood.  By 4am it hadn’t improved much.

I’ve experienced something like this before.  I remember being angry that I just wanted to be in a bad mood all by myself.  The same thing that happened then happened again.  Days following my “entitled bad day” were ugly with the kids.

I need to be a better example and put on a happy face for a day.  We’d all be better off.

Better yet, I should hire a baby sitter and leave.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

If Mama aint Happy...

I was grumpy Mama bear today.  I couldn’t shake it either.  The sad thing is I know attitude is a choice.
I wanted to be grumpy...ALL day.

This also means my entire house was this way too.  I barked orders all morning to get chores done when I didn’t need to be so ugly.
It actually turned out to be a good thing that I was so grumpy while I cleaned the basement with the kids.  I threw away A LOT of stuff.  Sentimental things weren’t giving me warm and fuzzy’s.  I trashed them all!

We had dinner at a friends house tonight.  It was nice to escape the house for a few hours and visit with adults.
But I’m really tired right now and I even slept in till 10:30am!  I’m still recovering from Thursday Night.
I NEED my sleep.
I’m getting old.

Jace lost his FIRST tooth Thursday Night!  You can imagine my surprise Wednesday morning when he announced he lost his tooth late last night and the Tooth Fairy came!  This was news to me.  (Kudos to Mr. Hobi!)

He has been waiting for this tooth to come out for a LONG time.  He even asked Santa for a loose tooth!
Our Tooth Fairy is pretty reliable... most the time.   She still reminds us of Aunt April.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Love Club Hangover?

Love Club Hangover...sounds rebellious and naughty, right?  It so wasn’t.

Last night I “fell off the wagon” so-to-speak and it ran over me a few times.

Is there such a thing as a Chocolate hangover? I’ve never drank alochol (unless you count the Strawberry Wine Cooler that I rebelliously smelled and sipped once as a teenager while working at a grocery store in Zion National Park)  but if you saw the way I stumbled into the house at 2:30am this morning I think you would have suspected I was “under the influence.“  

And then once I told you I was at “LOVE CLUB” eating fruit dipped in chocolate, discussing religion, relationships and birth with my girlfriends you would call me a liar as I curled up into the fetal position and whimpered in pain.

The truth is I really was at “Love Club” having major “girl chat” till the wee hours of the morning.  "Oh, how I enjoyed it too!"  I do realize I am a huge hypocrite as I just posted healthy foods this week and then I go off on a chocolate binge.  But I did qualify this weakness in this post-  I Quote, “I am so fickle at best.”

I do allow an unhealthy divulgance to chocolate once a month at the above said “LOVE CLUB”  This is the official name to describe a meeting of women of different ages culture and/or religious beliefs or background getting together monthly to discuss various topics about life and relationships.  I look forward to these meetings.  It’s so refreshing!   And my friend Monique, creator of Love Club, always makes the best chocolate... something!  I enjoy every bite.  Those sweet moments are savored!  No guilt attached at all.  

Last night she also made cream cheese chocolate muffins.  It wasn’t enough that they were already full of sweet goodness...I had to dip it into chocolate too!  I did notice I was the only one that emptied my little dish full of dipping chocolate!
My body went into sugar shock at the same time I climbed into my car.  

It was raining outside and there was a lot of fog.  I couldn’t see 10 feet ahead of me as I drove through the winding roads of my slumbering town.  I had the heater cranked, wipers flying, brights on, and K-LOVE ringing in my ears when I was overcome with the desire to vomit!  I was so car sick.  I was the one driving!  

I was so happy to flop into bed  and try really hard NOT to think about chocolate and NOT to think about the duties that would face me when the sun came up.  I just wanted to be asleep, but of course sleep didn’t come to me.  
Instead I lay there thinking about the funny things shared that night, and how grateful I am to know such amazing women.

Morning came and I managed to get my kids to the school bus on time.  I rushed inside creeping quietly back upstairs hoping to sneak back to sleep before the baby awoke.
I pulled the covers over my head and let out a sigh of relief.....


it was still worth it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Healthy Foods

I don’t intend this to be a food blog, but FOOD is very much a part of my life.  (Especially when I am transforming into...TOTAL HOTNESS! hahaha)
I’ve played this game before. (and won 1st place!)  I know what it takes to loose weight.  It takes  me throwing out all the ice cream and chocolate.  I’m pretty confident that I ate chocolate or ice cream almost daily since October.  It was that darn Halloween Candy staring at me all day long!
And the darn Ben and Jerry’s that Sam would bring home!  (He was sabotaging me!)  It’s a known fact around here that I can out eat anyone in ice cream.  I’m just getting started with a PINT. 

I’ve been “The Biggest Looser” before and I did it by eating right.  So, today I pulled out some of my old favorites.
Blueberry yogurt w/ cottage cheese.
This is great with any flavor yogurt.  I especially like Chobani yogurt because it has live active cultures and probiotics. (which means it helps digestion and is good to your stomach lining)  It's a thicker yogurt and not full of sugar so if your looking for the candy tasting yogurt this is NOT it.  And I always buy 4% cottage cheese-even when I'm loosing weight.  I like this brand because the ingredients are natural and simple. If you look at the ingredients to your food you want all items to be REAL not crazy chemical names.

"Killer salad" Named by Jarom
This is my lunch, and I could eat it for lunch EVERYDAY! (and I did while in a Biggest Looser competition and I won!) Even on days when I'm super hungry this salad does the trick!
Not all lettuce is created equal! I always use ROMAINE salad.  Iceberg lettuce has NO nutritional value.  Romaine is so much better for you. I dump pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cranberries, cheese, crackers, and half an avocado on my salad.  I use a yogurt dressing.

Lentil Tacos

I love these tacos.  They are tasty and I can have them on the table in 15 minuets flat!
Just add taco seasoning (check the ingredients. NO MSG. )

and Green smoothie.

I forgot to mention where I learned about Green Smoothies.  Check out the Green Smoothie Girl!  I bought her manual and learned so much about healthy food!
Today I added the other half of my avocado to the smoothie and no one even noticed.  It was a bit thicker but no one noticed.  Not even Jennica!

I'm a big believer in eating Fresh, Whole and Natural Foods.  When I don't eat them my body reacts.  That's where I am today.  I've got to get back to the basics.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Total Hotness!"

I’m on a mission.  A mission to total “Hotness!” 
I have till Cinco De Mayo to transform my current body to...TOTAL HOTNESS!

Ok, so the real story goes something like this:

Sam and I are fat and lazy.  We don’t like how we feel with our extra weight so we did what we ALWAYS do and pulled out the Double Dare!
Nothing gets me moving like a little COMPETITION!!

I can tell he’s a little nervous about this.  He’s prodding around trying to get me to tell him what workouts I’m doing.
I know he wants my idea’s but I’m NOT falling for his tricks!

I have Mommy Power!  
I’m doing crazy workouts all day long!  Who needs the Gym?
I’m up and down 2 flights of STAIRS a billion times a day!  I’m RUNNING errands, LIFTING Abi every time she says
“Hold You” and I’m CURLING my hair a few times a week!
Each morning I do a few good STRETCHES in bed and SIT UPS every time I get out of bed.  I SQUAT in the bathroom all the time and have a two year supply  of PULL UPS .

He’s got NOTHING on me!

Poor guy.  He’s up and running outside in FREEZING temperatures before the sun comes up.  Sometimes I think he tries to hard. 

Today I boosted my stair climbing workout by carrying this 50lb bag of salt.  Ahhh, hurts so good! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Green Smoothies!


I've started them up again! Green Smoothies are on the Menu!! I went on a Green Smoothie strike for about 5 months. I don't know what happened but I didn't want anything to do with them. I made them for Abi almost daily but I never drank them. I had no desire. I'm ready for them now. What I like best about them is they take away my sweet cravings and my munchies. When I'm drinking them frequently I can walk away from cookies and chocolate.
My kids drink them too. Abi LOVES them! She does a dance and a big cheer saying, "Smoothie!" (Actually sounds like "m-o-o-dey")

It use to take my kids 30 minuets to drink a smoothie. Not Kidding! I had to start the timer and threaten them with more if they didn't drink it before the buzzer rang. They were ridiculous sitting at the table with tiny sips and gags.
Times have changed. (And I got better at making them.)

Jace enjoys his smoothies and always walks away with a mustache

Jennica can be a Drama Queen when she wants to but ALWAYS drinks it. Here she is putting on a show because I have the camera out.

but when I return just a few minuets later I get this...

Jarom enjoys his with a straw while reading. (Always with a straw)

And Abi always comes back for seconds. I LOVE finding these...

As of late this is our After School Snack. It satisfies them till I get dinner on the table.
What is in the Green Smoothie you ask?

I start with a lot of GREENS. I fill my blender with Spinach, Kale, Chard & a little parsley with 2 cups of water.

Then I blend it down to this...

and add a slice of the lemon and a tiny bit of ginger with Flax Oil and blend it again.

Then I add some natural sweetener.

2 bananas, little Mango, an Orange, Strawberries, and Blueberries. Everything in the bowl is what I use. Sometimes I add about 1/4 cup of pineapple coconut juice.

Now the Green Smoothie turns purple

And Abi comes running because she knows what I have just created!

Try them! They are Yummy!

While I'm at it...

Jennica's favorite snack is:

I'm not a fan of Tuna. (gag) but Jace and Abi sure did like it today.

Dinner tonight was soooo yummy. (if I do say so myself)

I hate typing recipe's so I took a picture instead!

I use to just double this but now that Abi is BIGGER and eats what we eat- I realized I need to triple it. We all enjoyed it.
It's nice to have a little success in the kitchen. I was on a bad loosing streak.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Coma Day?

I wish there was a day after Saturday, but before Sunday, to allow me to “Get Ready for Sunday.” I need a day to recoup from Saturday.
I would name it Coma Day. It wouldn’t even have to be a full 24 hour day. I think 12 hours would do the trick. I would sleep all 12 hours. I would be better off if this day existed. Historically, Sunday isn’t my favorite day. I always feel tired and more rushed. I take short cuts because...“It’s Sunday” so by the end of the day, my house is a mess (especially the kitchen...but then again, it always is) and I’m grumpy because I didn’t enjoy the day like I had hoped to and Monday is around the corner.
Coma Day would satisfy that crave for a nap and make up for long week days.
Ahhh...if only.

Instead, I will continue to try and master this physical body I have been given.
I’m sort of a slow learner...
Photo: This is the Hobi clan last January.(I want to try to post a photo with each entry. They won't always fit the story.)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Premature Spring Fever

Is it really January? This time last year my Mom was stuck here because she couldn’t get a flight out due to snow storms. Her stay was extended an extra week because of snow.
Today, we were outside building a swing enjoying the sun instead of Snowmen! (Well, Sam was building the swing.) I cleaned out the garage like it was Spring cleaning, AND vacuumed and washed the car. Not a speck of snow in sight.
I imagine this is what winter feels like in California. It’s almost eerie to have 50 degree weather in January. My smile widens to think I might have to endure only 2-3 months of Winter instead of the grueling 5!
I can handle the snow boots, gloves, hats, and scarfs for that long. The kids are anxious to take to our snow hill in the backyard but we continue to have sunny skies.
I’ve really got the Spring Cleaning bug. I am ready to tear my house apart and re-organize! Thanks to my recent trip to IKEA!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Today I spent 5 hours in IKEA!

Again, I have to take back what I said earlier this week about hating ALL shopping.

I like shopping at IKEA. I could spend DAYS there.
I had to leave after 5 hours because my friend and I had kids getting off the bus. (and our babies were SCREAMING by that time of day without naps!)

I seriously thought about how nice it would be to shop all day at IKEA- stay in a Hotel across the street and do it again the next day! (Without my kids of course.)

I like the possibilities IKEA has to offer.
My house could use an IKEA facelift.
Maybe this is that “Need for Change” I’m itching for around this time of year.
I will return to IKEA next week with measurements!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dinner with a Kick!

I tried a new recipe today.
It called for 2 canned chipotle chiles in adobo sauce, finely chopped, plus 2 tablespoons adobo sauce.
I thought that’s what I bought...it wasn’t.
I went ahead and used the 2 cans of Chipotle-something- or- other- with- adobo sauce that I had but with the first taste I knew I had it wrong!
Smoke was pouring out of my ears! WOW!
I didn’t want to waste all the chicken so I loaded my serving with chips, avocado, and sour cream to tone in down a bit.
It didn’t really work.
I was in a full sweat with tears streaming down my face as I ate.
I felt obligated to eat it so it wouldn’t be a waste, but luckily I made homemade granola after school with Jace today. The kids ate that.

I knew Sam would like the Spicy dish. He likes to eat hot stuff like that. My insides don’t like me right now.
This recipe has potential. I think I will try it again with that correct ingredient.

This evening my 6 year old boy asked me if I was going to make the “Fantastic Dinner” I made last night. “I really liked that one Mom!”...It was pasta out of the box and a jar of sauce!
Maybe I shouldn’t try so hard??

I need help in my kitchen. This isn’t the first time my dinner is uneatable. I’m pretty sure I am going to be a fantastic cook by the time the kids are out of the house.

I am happy that all the kids have had Green Smoothies everyday this week! If Abi's diapers aren't green I feel like a failure!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dusting off the Treadmill

In honor of New Year’s and the “Resolution” that follows- I joined many Americans and stepped onto the treadmill for the first time in over a year. Hey, it wouldn’t be January if the home gym didn’t get dusted off, right?

I got on the treadmill this morning-when my body was begging me not to. I am so out of shape the thought of getting ready for my Triathlon this June hurts.
I think I have a running disorder. Some beast emerges when I run. I have this inner battle with two personalities I’m a little embarrassed to reveal. The first is positive and confident the second is mean and ugly!

When I am “in shape” I can manage these personalities- but when the workout hurts it’s WAR in my head.
I make up excuses and reasons to stop short of my goal over and over and over. Thankfully my inner strength kicks in at the right moment and I always make my goals and end triumphantly. But the battle repeats the next day. ( you can read about this battle I faced during my Triathlon last year, HERE)
I wonder if others have this disorder also? Another part of it is when I’m in the thick of the pain I get very irritated with my clothes! They feel like armor and I want them off! Underwear seems so liberating! Hummm... Perhaps another post another day.

I don’t love to exercise. In fact, I hate to run. I haven’t found my running love yet. Maybe someday it will come to me. As for now, I do it when I’ve committed to a race. And I sign up for these TRI’s to scare me into shape. (Except this logic didn’t really work last year. I showed up to a TRI without training, curious to see if I would DIE or not. I didn’t die. I almost did at the finnish line but nothing too serious that 3 footlong sandwiches couldn’t cure.)
So, this year I know just signing up for the TRI isn’t enough to “scare” me into shape. BUT having 10 other friends sign up with me sure does!
I have some competition! I MUST get into shape.
Today I ran 1 mile.
Yup, just one mile.
It took me 12:33 to do it too.
UGH! That sucks!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I take back what I wrote yesterday about not being consistent in anything. I’m pretty consistent in a lot of things but I’ve labeled them as “bad” so don’t consider them as accomplishments like I would the others. I'll turn over a new leaf and proudly claim some consistency...

~Sleeping in.
I ALWAYS want to sleep in. If the clock reads anything before 9am I want to go back to sleep. No matter what day it is!

~Ignoring the kitchen.
I will choose ANYTHING over doing the dishes. I consider it a GREAT accomplishment when I do dishes ONCE a day.

~NOT Getting ready for the day.
I really hope I can chalk this up to being just a phase, but I will admit I don’t spend more than 10min. looking in the mirror. My intention is just to look presentable at the bus stop but the truth is I never return to the mirror again. On the rare days when I do get “Ready” I wonder why I don’t do it more often. I takes too much time. I’d rather get “Things” done than spend my morning in the bathroom!

I found a system that works great with the laundry. ALL the kids clothes are in the laundry room. I don’t store any clothes in their room!
They dress and undress in the Laundry room so the bedrooms stay clean! When I am done with a load they go straight from the dryer into the dresser or their individual clothes rack. I love this. (I also keep all the toys in the basement so NO toys or clothes= Clean Rooms!
BUT just to keep it real I always leave mine and Sam’s laundry half undone. I always have a full laundry basket in the bedroom. Some days they are dirty and other days that same basket is clean. Sam loves this guessing game!

I hate shopping. Whatever kind of shopping it is...I don’t like it. I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember.

~Ice Cream.
I’m very consistent in this department! I love Ice Cream. I can eat ice cream till the cows come home! Right now my favorite is Vanilla with a huge handful of chocolate Chips! Yum!

Monday, January 2, 2012


I love the beginning of a New Year. I like the freshness of starting over.
I am not one to be consitant. The ONLY thing I have ever done for a whole year straight is Nurse Abigail. I really had to work at it for the last few months too. I was so proud to have accomplished that.
I am so fickle at best.
I have great intentions and then my human weaknesses kick in and I fizzle.
I wish passion lasted longer within me.

2011 was a great year for me. So many good things happened. I learned a lot more about myself.
It was a spiritual growth year for me too. I feel like understanding myself Spiritually is understanding the real me.
For the first time I am beginning to feel like ME. I like who I am and what gifts God has given me. I like discovering new things. I feel interesting for once.
I have something to offer this world. I have something to offer in all my relationships...that’s a good feeling.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Today I rushed to get my life put together- in hopes it doesn’t get ripped apart tomorrow.
I didn’t know it was possible to get ALL the laundry done in one day.
I’ve never craved to clean my basement, garage, patio, or yard like I have today.

My starving shelves are plump again and my food storage, I fear, is going to be opened over the next few weeks.

Tomorrow, with the first drops of rain, I will be collecting all things valuable to me; my Journals, photos, documents, and family.
Our hideout in the basement is ready- whether I am or not.

Won’t this be fun?


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Grow where you are planted

I’ve lived in Connecticut for 8 years. You would think that’s long enough to call this place my home.

I don’t.

I still feel like this is all temporary. I marvel at the beauty in the Summer and feel like I’m in Heaven in the Fall and year after year I feel lucky to see it again.

It’s NOT mine and I won’t be here forever. My heart is removed from this place. I don’t know why.

There isn’t any other place in the world I am dying to relocate to, so these feelings don’t make a lot of sense. I will be BOLD and say I think our time in Connecticut is nearing an end. I don’t have any reasons except my heart has been telling me change is in the air.

Sam has a job HERE and doesn’t have offers in his back pocket but I know the Lord sees the bigger picture.
Poor Sam, he’s trying to make sense of me. He suggested I re-arrange the furniture or paint a room to satisfy my gypsy blood.
I think that’s funny. I do like change.

So, I wonder if I’ll ever grow roots and feel at home. When it comes down to it- Home is where your heart is. I can be happy where ever my family is.

I have done a lot of “growing up“ while living here. I couldn’t ask for a better people to learn from.

I just think I’m about to get up-rooted.

Isn’t life exciting...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


My Ember in India Blog is acting up on me...so I'm back to blogger till I figure it out.

I wish you could see what I see. I’m on a 4 hour road trip on a bus to Agra. I want to sleep but I can’t peel myself away from the window. India is so intriguing to me. Our one way freeway is littered with motorcycles, bikes, diesel trucks, horses, cows, dogs, tractors, vans, carts and pedestrians. It’s madness, to say the least. One way doesn’t mean one way. In fact, it doesn’t mean anything here. Cars drive both ways with one hand on the horn beeping the whole way. I think the horn replaced the blinker. I’ve studied the driving patterns and I have noticed all cars have “Sound Horn” painted on the back of the vehicle. Any car trip I have made hasn’t been complete without bouncing my way along the pot hole streets to the screeching horns the entire way. The roads to and from villages are terrible (and that’s an understatement)! But back to the horn...it doesn’t mean; “Watch out your going to get killed!” like it does most the time in the US. Instead it means I’m going to pass you, or “I see you walking down the street” or “I’m going to move closer to the edge” so, in other words the horn means everything and nothing! Cars weave in and out -drive all over the road and stop where they want. There are no rules to driving here, except that you need to be gutsy. Ramish, our tour guide said this about driving in India,
” Driving is 25% pedal, 25% horn and 50% luck.” He doesn’t drive if he can help it. It’s too crazy, he says.
Yesterday I 20 people cram into one vehicle! It was like something you would see in the Circus! Come to think of it-I think I have seen something like that in the Circus with clowns! The cars here a tiny compact cars too!

As we drive through what appears to be “Nowhere” men, women, and children are parading down the street. I can’t tell where they are going or where they have been. Nothing is around us. But the streets are buzzing.
Randomly we hit a busy spot and suddenly we are in the middle of a sad looking farmers market. Carts of fruit, drinks, clothes, bananas, and a variety of undefinable things are being sold in the mud covered streets with trash strewn about like dirt. Woman walk about adorned in beautiful Sari’s, carrying a child in their arms or a package on their head. They look stunning and it doesn’t make sense to me that they walk through filth like it’s not there.

Horns are bleating in every direction causing me to look here and there. I can’t keep up with the moment. I want to freeze time and analyze what I’m looking at. Consider life from their perspective but in an instant it’s all gone and I’m faced with new scenes and new questions before I’ve resolved any of the old ones.
Each Market is like a Where’s Waldo page. If you could sit and stare for more than a few seconds I’m sure I would see some amazing things.
One thing I could do without is the men relieving themselves in the street! I can’t endure a car trip without seeing this at least 5 times a day!

I feel as though I have been time warped. Old men sit atop wagons being pulled by ox, horse or even camel. Animals and carts travel alongside our bleating vehicles and over loaded cars. I’ve seen diesel trucks ,covered with tarps, with a community of people riding on top as if its a free ride. I can’t help but wonder if the driver is aware of the population on board.
In the fields I see stick huts here and there and then men squatting, like my kids do when watching ants in the sand. What are they doing?.

These little villages we pass through appear unannounced. Suddenly there are more cows, more trash and more people. I can’t figure out where they all came from. It’s as if they just appeared. The few buildings that are in the area look like they were bombed and only half the structure is left. A closer look reveals a family has set up a home inside. No windows, doors, or front steps. Just a big hole in a wall to enter and a roof to provide shelter or shade.
Motorcycles are the choice of transportation. Men in their buttoned shirts (almost always long sleeved) cruise around like harry potter on his stick.(what is it called? )
It’s not uncommon to see 3 men on one bike. Women side saddle behind their husbands covering their heads with their beautiful silk scarf while cradling their little babies in their bosom sleeping peacefully through the chaos.

Old me sit. That’s all I can tell they are doing. They sit alone with a wrap on their head and do nothing.

I like watching the cars as we go. Each one that passes has several faces I can stare at, and they stare right back! They love seeing American White people. If I wave their faces light up and they nudge their neighbor to look my way too.
Kids are quick to send a wave and the women are slow to make eye contact but once they do a loving smile emerges.
Trailers being pulled behind trucks are filled with people. It reminds me of hay rides in the Fall.

I often see men sprawled out on the ground dead asleep face down in the dirt, oblivious to the present moment of “LIFE” around them. At first I thought they were bums like we would see in NYC but I’ve realized it’s just an afternoon nap to escape the heat. They will plop over anywhere when it’s time for a snooze. Just like the need to bath, or pee. When it’s needed they do it.
There are no rules to life here. Everyone goes about their day trying to survive. To some that means they sleep all day in the shade, to others they are moving cattle or washing clothes to wear the next day. I wish I understood more.

Mud is everywhere. Trash is everywhere, unfinished buildings and makeshift shacks are everywhere.

The one thing that really puzzles me is how these smart clean people live in a disorganized filthy environment!
The men always have pressed and clean shirts The women are walking ordainments. They are covered heard to toe in amazing bright fabric with their hair always pulled into a braid. and the children wear freshly washed uniforms to school everyday! They look fantastic!
It floors me to see a gorgeous woman walk out of a mud, fly infested, hut and shop in the village that looks like a tornado wrecked havoc on it.

India has beautiful people. I don’t think India is beautiful

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Follow me in India!

I am going to INDIA!!!

I created another blog to update while I'm there so come with me to India!
(I promise to keep you entertained!)

Ember in India

I leave this Friday. Jump on over to my Countdown page and get more details!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Inner Beauty...or NOT

Saturday I ran a Triathlon in Pawling, New York. I learned a few things about myself during the event.
I did the unthinkable (in my mind) and participated in the race without training for it.
The main reason I sign up for Triathlons is to motivate me to get in shape. I need to find a new tactic because this year that one failed miserably. I found I was just too busy to swim bike or run! I had no desire to do it.
Instead I have been running up and down stairs (that's 26 total) many many many times a day.

Mom brought it to my attention, after spending a few weeks with me over the Holiday’s ,that doing my everyday necessities must be keeping me in shape.
She ran up and down my stairs, chased the kids here and there, ran to this store and that store then came home and made dinner and cleaned up only to turn around and see that it all had to be done again the next day!
Being a Mom is a lot of work.

I didn’t train for my TRI because i didn’t want to. I was doing MOM stuff. Good thing it was marked on my calendar, otherwise I could’ve easily overlooked it.
The night before the race, my friend who also signed up called to make travel arrangements. At 8pm that night I still hadn’t put any thought into the race the following morning. ( I was having too much fun making a New York Trip Video for my family that came to visit.)

Nevertheless, I did climb out of bed at 5:30am Saturday morning and drive to Pawling NY.
I did this because I was curious to know how in shape (or out of shape) I was just by being an active mother.

This was a big test!

I did feel healthy and so I thought I’d give it a try.

I spent a good 30 minuets stretching before the race. I knew my muscles were going to go into shock if I didn’t.

First was the 1/4 mile swim. I jumped in and actually swam faster this time than I did when I trained for the same TRI in 2007!
Next was the 14 mile bike ride. I usually LOVE the biking part the most. This time it seemed like more work. (go figure)
Lastly was the 3 mile run. I’ll be honest- I HATED IT! My mom taught me not to say HATE but right now it is appropriate! I HATED it!
I’m not a big fan of running. Sometimes it is therapeutic but most the time I don’t enjoy it.

After I got off the bike and started running quite a few things were revealed to me.
1. I am NOT a runner.
2. I am GRUMPY when I have to run
3. I am not a nice person when I have to run
4. I I think mean things about other people when I have to run
5. running is hard!

I did it though! I finished the race! Then I wanted to throw up... Then I was STARVING!!!

Reflecting back to the pain of the run I realized I am a GRUMP when life gets hard!
People were cheering us along the way yelling things like; “Great job!” “You’re almost there!” “Way to go!” “You’re awesome!”

In my mind I was yelling back; “Oh Shut up! You don’t even know me!” or “Don’t tell me I’m almost there!” and the most frequent thought that came to mind was “This SUCKS!”

One man, I passed on the run, made an effort to thank every volunteer along the road.
He called out to them; “Thank you for Volunteering.”

He gave me something to think about for the next mile. I wondered why I got so ugly inside when I felt uncomfortable.
I like to think of myself as a nice person. I usually have compassion toward others, but come to find out, I’m only that way when it’s easy.

When I was in labor with Abi I recall “shhhh-ing!!” my nurse like a mean dog because she was “chatting” with Sam during a contraction.
I would NEVER be so rude in “reality”

Why do I get so ugly at times like this? Is it normal? Perhaps it is normal, but I don’t think it is RIGHT. The Natural man is and enemy to God. I don’t think I get more natural that that. These are real, on the spot feelings- and they are ugly.

So, my attempt to run a TRIATHLON without training was a success. My physical body passed the test!
But in the end I learned I am a healthy, strong Mother physically, but I need to work on my natural (mean) emotions that only surface when things get hard.
That’s why it’s important to do hard things. It purges the ugliness right out of you! (that is, if you even notice it)

My total time was 1:48:12

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Today is Mothers Day!
This morning I was greeted in bed by Jarom, Jennica, Jace all dressed for church with their gifts they made at school.

Jace (age 6 in Kindergarten) has been so excited about mothers day! He has kept his gifts a secret all week. That’s a tough thing to do at age 6. I think it’s cute when kids try to keep sectrets. They become consumed with the desire to share the sacred secret! They tell you just about EVERYTHING they can without actually saying the exact words. This week Jace has been telling me the first letter to each of the gifts.

Once the gifts came home in his backpack he was like a sitting goose on her eggs. Returning several times to check on them, and once again constantly telling me where the gifts were and I was not allowed to look.

I remember being his age. I remember knowing my gift was special, simply because it was going to be for my mom.
Year after year I get a billion drawings in one day from my kids. All of them stating “I love you mom.“

I love the school projects that usually have the misspelled proclamation
Happy Mouthers Day! (Just like I misspelled it when I was young)

At church someone made the comment
”having teenagers makes us Christian“ That made me laugh.
I have had similar thoughts but couldn’t express it as equlotently as that.

I am closer to God because of my children. I am thankful I get to wake each morning to love, serve, and teach them.

my toenails always need a paint job
my fingernails are NEVER painted

my journal entries end in mid sentences
my kindergartener speaks run- on- for-ever -sentences

wipes are used for everything
my garage is a diaper landfill

my showers are normally cut short
my telephone conversations are always heard

my dirty laundry basket is replaced with a clean laundry basket

my quiet time is never quiet
my bed is never MINE

My moments as a young mother
will be missed when I’m old

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I'm in love with my new Video Camera. It helps me make cool projects.
This one was so fun to make:

3rd Grade Iditarod

Give me an Event and I'll make you a memory!

Friday, March 11, 2011


If you know me, you know I like change!
My life is full of rearranging, new starts, and inconsistancy!

One thing constantly changing is my talents. I found a new obsession.
You can see for yourself HERE!
It's Blogging, Photography, & Videos!

Come visit HobiHome

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I want to go to India.

I want to go to India really bad.

At the end of last year I started volunteering at Rising Star Outreach.

I did it because I visit teach Sally.
And Sally is involved in this Organization.

I thought this could be a good way to get closer to her and understand more of one of her passions.

I called the number she gave me and set up a time to meet Dani, the Volunteer Director.

I showed up the following day at the scheduled time, wondering what kind of help I would be.

I had in mind something like answering phones, stuffing mail, or filing papers. Office type of work.

When I met Dani, my first thought was, "I know her!"

I've never met Dani, but I feel like we've always been buddies.

She lives a Charmed Life. She is young, beautiful, has traveled all over the world, and knows how to play the Ukulele!
She is independent, confident and Spunky!
She has over 1,000 friends on Facebook (What??!!)

She's living the life I would be living if I wasn't living my 1st dream.

As I visited with her and her people, they asked me if I was comfortable with the computer.

I laughed. (I can USE the computer to blog, facebook and email. Anything outside of that I'm pretty much retarded.)

She followed up do you Blog? (Now we're speaking the same language!)

After divulging my obsession and sometimes "stalking" blog habits they asked if I would be interested in writing for the Rising Star Outreach Blog?

My cup of Tea! (I tried not to fall off my chair.)

"Do you Facebook?" was the next question.

The day before I met with them I "de-friended" almost everyone of my facebook Friends.
It was too much for me. I didn't want that distraction, so I cut almost everyone except family and a few friends.

"I do" I answered with a little quiver in my voice.

Would you be interested in being an Administrator to our Facebook page and keep it updated?

Suddenly my feelings toward Facebook changed!

"Cool!" I thought.

Somewhere, our conversation led to photography and my love for it, and by the time I walked out the door I agreed to be their Social Media Director and Photography Manager too.

On my drive home I was dumbstruck with what just happened.

I was so giddy inside! I couldn't wait to tell my husband what I just signed up for.

Since that day, every Tues. I work on the Rising Star Outreach Blog and Facebook Page.
I love Tuesdays.

I LOVE what giving of my talents does for my soul!

I am learning as I go and I am already in LOVE with the little children in India.
I LOVE what this organization is about.
I LOVE being part of it in my own small way.

I've decided I am going to India. I'm going to make it happen. And I'm going to earn my own way there.
I know my husband could make it happen (and would) but I've decided I'm going to continue to use my talents and somehow, someway I, a stay at home mom, will go to India.

I will be proof that you don't have to have a lot of money to make a difference.

(And a good place to start is being a better Visiting Teacher....)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I was so wrong!

Recently, I enjoyed the Holiday Season with my Mother. During her stay at my home she and I had moments where I could reflect on childhood memories and experiences with her.

Due to the “Spirit of Giving” felt in the air, I shared with her my favorite childhood memory.

In 4th Grade I chose to do the 12 Days of Christmas to a less liked, and poor, girl in my school class.
I have reflected on this experience many times in my life.

I sat next to this girl at school and each morning she would playback every detail of her receiving experience to ME, the giver.
She was determined to catch ME. She had plans each day on how she was going to do it. I even helped her come up with a few ideas!

Each night was a success for me. The following morning she would be so frustrated that her plan didn’t work! How do they get away with it! She was sure she was going to out smart them at least ONE night!

For several of the 12 days this game went on. She continued to spill the beans to me.
Having this interaction with her made the entire experience for me. I felt an unlikely friendship flourish between us.

I remember planning the gift one night. I was at our local Ben Franklyn’s hardware store with only a few dollars. I searched the store for the perfect gift.
I had so many great idea’s but the problem was my limited resources. I sat on the floor near the cashiers stand counting my bag of coins, frustrated that my desires were constrained. I thought: “If I were rich, I could do the best 12 days of Christmas!” At that moment I decided if I grew up and had a lot of money I would have so much fun giving it to the needy.

I don’t remember many of the gifts I gave her, but I do remember one. It was the last day- Day 1. It was the best day of the entire event!

Sometime Previous (Maybe a month) Mom had bought me the most beautiful White dress complete with ruffles and lace! When I looked at that dress for the first time I remember thinking I had died and gone to Heaven. My next thought was I wish church was tomorrow.
Unfortunately, Sunday was 4 days away and even worse...the dress didn’t fit! It was too small. Oh, how I tried to pretend it fit.

Because Mom had purchased the dress up North she couldn’t return it so I was left to Donate it. I was heart broken.I still remember
that feeling of disappointment. The dress hung in my closet for some time; always stinging my heart when I saw it.

As the 12 days were ending Mom suggested I give the dress for a gift.
That idea filled my soul with love. I knew that was the perfect gift to give her on Christmas Eve.

I wrapped the gift and carried it to the car like it was Cinderella’s glass slipper.
I knew this girl wouldn’t otherwise own a dress like this. I couldn’t wait to hear about it at school. (but I had to wait till after the school break!)

That year I experienced the “Spirit of Giving.” and it stuck with me.
I learned a valuable lesson as an 8 year old. Serving others fixes the holes in my heart. I like WHO I am when I am giving.

Up through graduation I had a special unspoken connection with this girl. She didn’t change much in 10 years. Socially we never crossed paths again. Our senior year she was still a homely, quiet, shy girl. But I felt I loved her and I think she felt it too.

I have reflected on this childhood experience often. Now, as a young Mother, I am still being taught by it.

Today 20+ years later I recognize a familiar desire. Unlimited $$$ so I could give to others. I have often thought:

“I would love to surprise her with a desperately needed vacation.”
“I wish I could just buy a car for them.”
“I wish I could afford to fly home to see ____”
“I wish I could pay for her to have this.”
“I wish I had money to go to India!”

My list can go on! (and it does)
My desires are pure but today-I repeat TODAY I realized I am so wrong.

After attending a RS Lesson on Sacrifice, and preparing to give next weeks lesson on Consecration, I saw the flaw in my desires.

Mother Teresa says, “A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves.”

Elder Bruce R. McConkie states:
“When it costs us but little to give, the treasure laid up in heaven is a small one.

Sam concluded, The perfect gift gives both the giver and receiver.

I’m going to stop putting off service because I don’t have the time.
I’m going to stop wishing I had more money to give.

The truth is, God has given me what I have and he’s waiting to see what I’ll do with it!

Photo: The Widows mite
The widows mite, given in sacrifice, weighs more heavily in the eternal scales than the bulging granaries of the rich man.”

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The truth is....

Nothing like starting the New Year off with a little Honesty.....

It’s a New Year, and with each New Year comes Resolutions.
THE TRUTH IS- I can’t even remember the resolution I made last year.

I must be giving off the impression that I am a Health Nut.
THE TRUTH IS- I’m NOT! I can’t pass on desserts! I still eat chocolate or ice cream every weekend, KNOWING it makes Abi fussy from Nursing.

I’m trying really hard to provide HEALTHY meals for my kids
but THE TRUTH IS-I’m not good at it yet. A lot of my meals are gross.

I Love Photography but,
THE TRUTH IS for every good shot I take I have 10 bad ones.

This year, I’m participating in my 5th Triathlon but
THE TRUTH IS I hate running and swimming!

I LOVE being a Mom, but
THE TRUTH IS I am constantly wondering “Are we done?”

I try to be a good example to my kids but
THE TRUTH IS I’m a hypocrite. When they ask for leftover dessert Monday morning I say “No, not for breakfast!”
When they are off to school, I eat leftover dessert for breakfast!

I can be patient with my kids till 8:25pm but
THE TRUTH IS at 8:30pm I loose all patience and want them in bed YESTERDAY!!!

I am a Creative, Magical Mommy but,
THE TRUTH IS I hate being the Tooth Fairy! I HATE being the Tooth Fairy! I HATE BEING THE TOOTH FAIRY!!!

Ahhh..I feel better getting that off my chest!

Here’s to a honest 2011!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hermit-Theft & Broken Blender

I am a Home body. A successful day for me all depends if I was able to stay at home. I wait till the last possible day to go grocery shopping and cheer when after school activities are cancelled.
My favorite time of the year is Christmas Break. No school, No activities, and No reason to leave the house. I pride myself on the 14 days at home streak I had a few years ago.

Yesterday was the day I had to leave the house. I ran into a bit of a problem.

I couldn’t find my shoes! I was like a kid all over again searching for lost sneakers. For the life of me- I still can’t figure out where my shoes are. What’s worse is; the last time I remember wearing them was a week before Christmas. Am I a Hermit or what?
I’ve searched the house- Nothing. Maybe they are outside under the blanket of SNOW? Or someone stole them?

I’m suspicious of Sam. Maybe he threw them out? He calls them my witch shoes. (He’s not a big fan) He doesn’t seem too concerned that they are missing and coincidentally enough, HE bought me boots for Christmas.....hummm.....I think I’m on to him!
(Unfortunately, I don’t really like the boots he picked for me. They are a little to “Fashion“ for me. I’m a STAY AT HOME (emphasis on STAY AT HOME) and can’t see myself wearing them to the grocery store. Maybe when I grow up I’ll be into the cute fashion things. As for now, I’m lucky to be caught wearing earrings.

Speaking of Stealing and fashion and hermit- I have another problem. I went to Kohl’s long before CHristmas and rewarded myself with a very ”Comfy“ Nike Sweatshirt. Once I got home I pulled it out of the bag to find the security tag still attached! (The door did beep as I left the store but I ignored it and kept walking.)
I wanted to wear the sweater bad enough that I put it on WITH the security tag dangling from the wrist. Oh how I love that sweatshirt. I wore it for about 3 days. I wasn’t going to let a minor detail deny me of comfort!

The Sweater is in need of a wash...yes, I still have the sweater. One of these days when I leave the house I will take that sweatshirt with me and march right in and have that annoying tag removed. Until then- It’s mine and I wear it and I love it. (I’m also one of those people that leave the tags on my clothes to make sure I ”LIKE“ the item before I really commit to keeping it and remove the tags. It drives Sam crazy. ☺ More than once he has pulled a tag off me in a public place.

Do I have issues with Commitment?

Yesterday my blender broke! That’s a BIG deal. I can’t make Green Smoothies if I don’t have a blender! Green Smoothie Girl warned me that only one blender can stand the test of time with daily Green Smoothies. Wouldn’t you know the warranty to my blender was up last week! GRRR....How do these machines know when to break down?
I’m using my $$ I won from being the Biggest Looser to replace my blender. (appropriate way to spend BL cash, I think)
I’m working on a post about Green Smoothies- a lot of people have asked me to tell more about it. I’ll get to that.

I got iLife11 for Christmas! I am so excited about it but haven’t found the time to dig into it. I have some fun plans for blogging and videos this year.
We had a big snow storm today so everything is cancelled tomorrow. MY KIND OF DAY. I just might get some time alone with my Computer....

Tonight is Date Night with my Hubby. Time to set my boyfriend, MAC, aside.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Peach Salsa

In attempt to simplify my life this year, I’ve decided to have dinner on the table when the kids get home from school.

This solves the after school grumpies and “I’M STARVING“ issue, and frees up my evening to be more involved with them instead of lost in the kitchen.

This really works well with Jace. He is a big bad Kindergartner. This means he has to do EVERYTHING right. He has to do what everyone else is doing because he doesn’t want to be different.
Jace comes home from school HUNGRY and GRUMPY! He never eats his school lunch. Everyday I pack a lunch for him and EVERYDAY he returns with it untouched. Needless to say, he is GRUMPY!

Having the older 3 kids at school all day frees up my afternoon to put some thought into my meal plans and enjoy the quiet moments in the kitchen while preparing.

Today I thought I’d surprise them and make an old family favorite, Enchiladas. I have made this recipe from the get- go of our marriage. Sam has always loved it and we use to eat it a lot. That is, till last year when I began following GREENSMOTHIEGIRL.COM We stopped eating meat every meal.

Now that it is winter I do use meat. Mostly chicken (Organic) but never use the full amount called for in the recipe. Today I noticed I had half a pound of hamburger left over so I thought I’d use it up.

As I was making the enchiladas I had a big smile on my face, remembering all the times this meal was such a hit.

I had everything set and was waiting for the school bus when I decided to cut up Jace’s food so it wouldn’t be so hot. As I did this I couldn’t resist. I had to steal a taste.

The bus pulled up to the house just as I began chewing...it was so gross!

What had I done wrong? All I could taste was an overbearing flavor of MEAT!

With no time to spare I pulled out the container of Peach Salsa and set it on the table.

The kids were excited to have food waiting for them and I cautiously watched as they dug in.

“It tastes much better with salsa.” I added to their first bites.

All of them dumped Peach Salsa on top, including me.

Jarom excused himself from the table saying he was still full from lunch.

Jennica drowned hers in sour cream and more salsa to get it down.

Jace had his plate empty and was asking for chips to go with his salsa before I could even swallow.

Sam called just after I cleared the table. He was very excited to hear we were having enchiladas.

I told him they tasted like a dead cow. ( He said he preferred his hamburger dead.)

My dinner was a flop.

When Sam got home from work I warned him not to eat it. He made a Peanut Butter Sandwich instead.

Three hours after eating dinner... Jace threw up.

Point proven- You can eat anything with Peach Salsa.
Buy yours now at your local Costco- Super sized!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Letters to God

I thought i was being clever by making dinner at the same time I began the breakfast clean up.
Next thing I know- the kids are home and it’s getting dark.

I spent the entire day in the kitchen! What do I have to show for it?

A dinner and a clean kitchen. Why did it take me all day to achieve just that?
It wasn’t anything extravagant. Chicken Quinoa Soup with dinner rolls. (all homemade)

I did stop a few times to laugh at Abigail. Change her diaper, feed her lunch, and start a load of laundry.

I loved being at home all day in the kitchen.

I have carrots smeared on my left shoulder.

Tonight Jace was pretending to be Harold with the Purple Crayon. He busied himself about the room as we had family "Quiet Time." Not a word spoken but crayon in hand. This child of mine really loves to act things out.

On New Years Eve we watched Letters to God,as a family.
Our kids enjoyed the movie. The younger two were in tears after it was over. I was very surprised at how emotional they were! It took some encouragement to get them to join in on the New Years Eve "Party"

The next few days Jace was writing letters to God and taking them to the mailbox.
Sunday afternoon I walked into a room where Jace and Jennica had paper, crayons and envelopes strewn on the floor. When Jace noticed me watching he announced: "Jennica is writing her first letter to God."
(As if he were an expert.)

Kids are so influential.

I haven't written my letter to God yet.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Catch up?

How does one catch up on life full of action over a 8 month blogging drought?

My Journal/Blogging life took the backseat. I needed it that way. Having a new baby in the house hasn’t offered too much “personal” time.
I rarely get to shower in peace anymore. It’s all good though. My life is full of LIFE!

I wake up with a child snuggled next to me and 3 more waiting to be fed.
I spend an entire day trying to organize my life, only to find it all unorganized when I turn out the lights.

I fall asleep wearing whatever I had on at that moment, wherever I am at that moment- almost always with sweet Abi tucked in close.

I’ve spent hours and hours in the kitchen preparing meals and cleaning up meals.
I’ve spent hours and hours in the car bouncing my litter of kids from one event to another, all the while listening to Scripture Scouts.

I’ve been busy being a Mom. A Happy Mom.

So, why am I Blogging now? Today? at this hour?

My baby started sleeping through the night last weekend!

AHHHHH.....I’m back!

Friday, December 3, 2010


I KNOW my kids believe in Santa.

Come December 1st, each one of them put their shoes, coat and backpacks in the closet without being asked.
They completed their homework before I knew they had any, AND they have been HAPPY in the wee hours of morning!

They put themselves to bed and cured the "DYING of thirst" illness that has plegued them each night after the lights are out.
They haven't complained at the dinner table, AND they do things the first time being asked!!

At first I didn't know what was happening. It only took me 3 days to figure it out.

I LOVE Santa.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Some days....

I spent most the morning on my hands and knees mopping my hard wood floors.

While I was down there I wiped the floorboards, walls, and any cabinets I came across.

Then I vacuumed, loaded the dishwasher, made dinner, and took out the trash.

Why is today so much different than yesterday?

Yesterday, I couldn't get ANYTHING done.
Yesterday was painful. I’m not sure why, but it was.

I’m glad today is better.

As I was mopping away, I got thinking about all the chores mothers do.

How on Earth do we do it?

Mothers are responsible for a lot of things.

There’s the obvious things like laundry and dishes that never go away, but what about the list of “other” things.

Things like plants to water, books to read, bills to pay, walls to clean, baths to give, sheets to change, lunches to pack,
and a billion other things.

Running a home is a lot of work.

I am so glad I LOVE my job....most the time.

Some days I don’t get out of my pj’s and the house is a disaster.

Some days I have everything perfectly organized and I amuse myself.

Some days I sit and read with my kids other days I avoid them.

I’m happy I have a house to take care of and kids to call my own.

The only way I can survive the load is to realize,

Some days are just better than others.

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Little Change...

I'm in the mood for change in my blogging world.
A Change in style,
A Change in writing,
A Change in location.

Visit me here while I find my new groove!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Officer Hobi Reports for Duty

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Jace was invited to visit a Police Station. As you can see- it was ALL BUSINESS!

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Biggest Looser

As mentioned before, I joined a “Biggest Looser” competition.

The timing was perfect- 6 weeks after my baby!

This competition is just what I needed.
(Although, many say it isn’t fair that I am loosing Pregnancy weight. Whatever you call this stuff, it needs to come off!)

Every Monday I have to report my weight.
I am down 20 pounds!
I have managed to loose an average of 3 pounds a week, simply by eating smart!
(I am NOT dieting. I am eating a lot! )

By Wednesday the results for the previous week are posted.
This is a very important day for me. It gives me another nudge to keep going when I see where I stand with the other 45 competitors.

This week I am in 3rd Place, last week I was in 2nd place.
(I fell off the wagon!)

This competition goes on for another 4 weeks.

I have been in the Top 5 Overall throughout the competition. I never considered WINNING the competition. I just knew it would be a good motivator. Being this close to the end with more pounds to loose, Sam gave me extra motivation.

“If you take 1st place, I’ll give you a reward worth the effort” he tempted.

My minds eye is envisioning a BEACH, or Airline ticket to the West, kitchen tools, or new camera!?

Whatever it is, it will be great. I know it will, because Sam doesn’t have the same disorder I have called Gift Challenged.
He’s pretty darn good at spoiling me.

So I’m up and running with new found determination!

Abi is three months old now and I am at my pre pregnancy weight!!!

This has never been the case with my other babies! It took a long time to loose it.

Granted, my body doesn’t look the same but I am back to my starting weight.

For the record, I was a good 10 “fluffy” pounds over my ideal weight when I got pregnant, so I still have another 10lbs to go.

Looking forward to hard workouts!

To be continued....