Vaccinations- my Reading

Last night I spent the evening reading a book about vaccinations.
It’s titled “What you Doctor may Not tell you about Children’s Vaccinations.“

I need to have a Medical record ready for Jace to enter Kindergarten and I know they aren’t going to like that he hasn’t been immunized completely.

Jarom and Jennica are fully immunized but I stopped half way through with Jace. I really didn’t feel good about them but didn’t have the knowledge so I just didn’t get them.

I have read a few books this past year and feel very strongly against most vaccinations and the ”One size fits all“ shot requirements the State demands.

I will refuse shots on the new baby until it’s older. Absolutely NO shots at the Hospital!!!!

I feel better prepared to make decisions and fight my position with the school.

Some shots are ok but NEVER more than one at a time, and I will wait till the child is Older. Like 2 before I start.

Another book I have read is
Vaccinations A Thoughtful parents guide.

I DO NOT like how vaccines are made nor that they think every child needs EVERY shot.

No wonder we have so many disabilities and sickness with kids these days.


Sarah said…
I am with you..I still have not given any to Leo adn I am jsut so torn. One day I will think, " no, I don't think he needs them" and I will just keep following the Spirit on this and the next day I will think that maybe we should start slowly introducing them. It does not help that it is controversial and literature is either for or against..rarely in the middle.

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