Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Element of Surprise!

I Love a good surprise!

If I can turn a common experience into a surprise, I will.

Why not add a little drama to life?

I love to give simple things to my kids in dramatic ways.

Recently for Family Night, Sam and I decided to watch a certain movie with our kids. A Movie they have been dying to watch.

I eagerly awaited as Sam began to divulge our movie selection.

We both knew they would go ballistic over our choice, but as he began to lure them in I realized not everyone has the “Element of Surprise Ability.”

A moment where complete elation can take place should not be introduce with dry, complicated divolgment!

Even I was a little confused at his approach, and felt the air was completely let out of the balloon on this one!

The kids had no idea what he was talking about till he got to the punch line. At last they jumped, hugged, and cheered as we expected. But, I feel, the thrill could have been so much more!

I sat dumbfounded at his approach and came to the conclusion that some people have “it” and others (Sam) completely miss the mark.

I evaluated the Hobi Family on this “talent” and concluded Jarom and Jace have it and Jennica & Sam do not.

I can’t remember a birthday when Sam gave me a gift on my actual birthday. He gets too excited and ALWAYS gives me the gift early.

Jennica must feel that being the “announcer” makes her apart of the giving. If she even gets wind of a surprise she announces it to the recipient right away.

I can’t count the times she has ruined a surprise with a simple comment like:
“Mom, when are you going to give Jarom the you know what....”
To her, that is not giving away a surprise!

My favorite is a Birthday. My children wake up each birthday with a SURPRISE!!!
I never let them know what the theme for their birthday is. They wake up to the house decorated (in a theme) in their honor and gifts on the table.
It’s been a fun tradition. We all look forward to a birthday because the house is transformed.

Singing Happy Birthday and giving gifts isn’t cutting it for me. They have to be “WOWed“ especially on their birthday.

Kid napping them to go to New York City on a school day was so fun because of the Surprise way we did it.

A Surprise Magical Vacation to California
, announced the morning of departure, sure beat the constant nagging of impatient kids and cured the ”Are we
there yet?“ inquiry’s.

Freaky Friday’s during October and I love you Days in February keep the magic going in our house.

So, I ask you, is it any wonder why we are holding off on knowing the gender of our new baby arriving soon?
It has been so fun to guess and wonder what ”flavor“ is growing inside of my belly.
This is a conversation, we as a family, don’t tire of because it is so mysterious!

It’s gender could have already been old news and left to get excited about once again after the birth, but just because we don’t know, we are still excited about the possibilities. It’s arrival is going to be that much more exciting for all!

”What are you having?” I’m being asked.

My reply, “It’s a Surprise!”

This is one of the best surprises yet!
6 weeks to go!

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