Monday, May 31, 2010

One sweet day

Three day weekends are always wonderful.
Today the weather was perfect for a pool party.

I decided to run to the location of the pool party for my bit of exercise today.
It was the first time I have gone running in about 9 months!

I felt awkward, heavy, and out of shape.

It didn’t help that most the way was UPHILL!

At one moment I felt I had to be running in place. The scenery wasn’t changing and the hill wasn’t ending.

At the top of this hill there sat a little girl and a lemonade stand. I never pass on a lemonade stand, no matter the cost or size of cup. I feel it’s important to add to a child’s lemonade experience.

Once she saw me she perked up and I thought, “Oh great, I’m going to have to turn her down.” that thought was followed with,
“Is she seriously thinking I have change on me?”

Once I got within ear shot she calls out, “Are you Amber?” (I claim that name also, most people get it wrong)

“Yes” I answer completely out of breath and immediately caught onto the game being played. (Sam drove ahead of me with the kids and I figured he must have stopped and paid for my cup of Lemonade.)

She called out to me again saying, “Sam bought you a cup of lemonade.”

I laughed out loud and accepted my drink. How clever of Sam.
They offered me seconds but one sugar loaded drink on a run was enough.

I ran the rest of the way with a smile on my face. I was impressed with my Man’s thoughtfulness.

The friends we were visiting live a charming life. A Guest house they call a BARN is complete with basketball court, bowling alley, stage, and movie theatre.
Their yard is amazing adorned with pool, hot tub, pond and outdoor kitchen with drawers full of soda and ice cream!

We had a BBQ which was delicious, but the best part was the dessert. BH is a girl after my own heart. She loves Ice Cream. I don’t think there has been a time I have visited without her serving us Ice Cream.
Today she served us Baskin Robins style. Huge tubs of ice cream, trays of brownies and cookies, fruit parfait, and toppings galore!

It was Heavenly!

The worst part about all this is.....I’m 2 weeks deep in a Biggest Looser Competition.
I couldn’t let my team down. I dished out all you can eat ice cream to my kids but didn’t take a bite. I’m still quite surprised and pleased with myself. I can eat ice cream till the cows come home and then move on to pizza.

This is the food I did NOT partake of:

We returned home water logged and stuffed full (except me).

When I grow up I want to be fun like them.....and rich! :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Give Me A Break....

Wouldn’t it be great if some things were FREE?

Like School Lunch, Doctor visits, Babysitting, Piano or a Pool pass?

I like to think I would DO more things if I didn’t have to fork out the dough so often.

One of our favorite places is the Town Library....IT’S FREE!!!

Jace always asks if he could “BUY this book.”

I remind him we get to “Borrow” them.

He doesn’t get it. He still says Buy.

At the Library the kids get to play the computer for FREE

Check out books for FREE

Join Story Time for FREE

and my favorite, PARK for FREE!

So, I wonder:


late fees on the FREE movies.

Good thing our new house has a Money Tree growing in the backyard!

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Photo: Jace sporting his Buzz Lightyear sunglasses. Can you say Erkle?


From EmBeR

I didn't call my Mom on Mothers Day!!
I fell asleep feeding Abi and when I woke up it was morning.

I Love my Mom. She is me in 30 years.
Last year she drove to California to join us at Disneyland, then flew out here to be at Jarom's baptism in the Fall.
This year she was here for 2 weeks when Abigail was born. I love having her part of my family.
Thanks Mom for your friendship and support.
I love you!

My Mothers Day was so great! I really had a day off. I stayed in my room ALL day, except to eat the yummy meals my hubby made for me. Being in my room all day to write in my journal and read was a dream! Abi was by my side sleeping most the time. It was fun to really have a day of rest!
(I should have called Mom during the day but apparently I was too busy sitting on my rear!)

The Competition

**A post I forgot to publish last May. aka: "Baby Brain"***

I’ve been eating cupcakes, muffins, licorice, and almost anything else I desire.

You see, next week I am joining a Competition.
The Biggest Looser Competition!

I want to be sure to be really FAT when it starts so I loose a lot!

The Competition starts on my exact 6 week Postpartum date.
Till then I will continue to enjoy my treats and lack of exercise.

I gain a lot during pregnancy. One thing I really enjoyed while pregnant was I ate when I was hungry and I ate till I was full!

I told Jarom about the Competition today- he thought it was a good idea for me to join.

“You really need it offense, but you do.” he stated matter-of-factual.

I didn’t take offense. I laughed at the subject content I was having with my 8 year old boy. What does he know about all this??

He also asked me when I was going to be “NORMAL” again so we could play basketball together.

I hope to loose close to 40 pounds by the end of 13 weeks.

Bye, bye sugar. Hello Green Smoothie Girl.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Officer Hobi

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Photo by Keri

Everywhere I go people are watching, pointing, smiling, and even pulling over!
At first I thought they were looking at me (and my flattering Post Pregnancy figure)
then I thought is was sweet Abi they were adoring.


It's Officer Hobi.

During one outing two different people stopped to take his picture.
He is stopping traffic in his new costume Grandma Trena gets credit for!

Isn't it great?

I think a trip to the Police Station is going on the To Do List.

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We could use more officers like this one!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Mothers Day Memory

Last year on Mothers Day I was in bed with Kidney Stones.
This year on Mothers Day I am in bed with a new baby!

I remember finding joy ,last year, in that painful experience, as I sat home alone while the rest of my family was at church without me.
I reread that journal entry this morning and thought it ironic that I would have a similar experience a year later.
I am still in love with New England, and am enjoying a morning alone to stare at my beautiful baby.
I still feel a “Perfect Mothers Day, for me, is to be left alone. Quiet moments go a LONG way with me.
The difference this year is I am not at Husted Lane and I'm not in pain. Already I remember that life with fondness and look forward to my new life as a new mother...again.

Mothers Day Last year:

Through my opened window I awoke to New England sounds.

First church bells, then the distant sound of a lawnmower, birds, quarling dogs, chimes and
best of all- kids enjoying the dry morning.
It has been raining for the past week. A rain we understand is necessary for the trees and blossoms that surround us here.

The leaves on the trees and bushes are filling in quickly. Growth is everywhere, concealing our “Heaven on Earth” here on Husted Lane. I like it like this.

It’s Mothers Day today, May 10th. The air is cool with a bold breeze playing the chimes, and spreading the Lilac aroma trying to bloom.

Typically, Mothers Day for me is spent at Church where all mothers are given a flower and motherhood is lauded in talks throughout the day.

Today I’m enjoying the day from the comforts of my own bed. (with kidney stones)

The house is quiet. All three kids fed, dressed, and off to church with dad.

This is the PERFECT Mothers Day.

There is something about solitude that does me good!

I hear things I wouldn’t normally listen to like the squirrels running along the fence.

I have thoughts that can linger longer without being interrupted by the zillion things a mother typically does.

I see beauty everywhere. Now that Winter is behind us, I am once again, living in Paradise!

I love the thick green trees, the cool morning air, the constant chirping birds and antique stone walls that are staples here in New England.

I love our Stone Terrace, grass circle, and paved subdivision, which is the envy of our friends. Sidewalks don’t exist here, so a place to ride a bike for young
kids is hard to find. (Unless you drive to the church parking lot)

I know the day we move from Husted Lane (no plans in the making) I will cry.

This is where the bulk of my motherhood days have been spent. This is where I have taught my kids so many things.
This is where we experienced so many milestones together as a family. This place has been perfect for us.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Jace's big 5!

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Big Brother just got bigger. Jace is now 5 years old. We celebrated with Birthday Pancakes in the morning, and Family Movie Night complete with Pizza and Candy.
His birthday "request" was a police costume with handcuffs....we didn't have any luck. The next best thing...Toy Story toys.
He was pleased with all the gifts but that night he kindly told me:

"Mom, I like my presents but next time you should have bought me a police costume."

Happy Birthday to my dress up King! Another costume diverted.