Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Nocturnal Reader

Dear Dad,

It rained ALL day yesterday, so in order to avoid the fix-it man doing repairs,
we watched an unhealthy amount of movies- but we did make a trip to the Library!

I turned in at 8:45pm- I was plum tuckered! (I haven't figured out why, yet.)
Jarom and Jace were on the way to bed when I closed my bedroom door
with the plea that a certain little boy not disturb me.

I fell asleep quickly but awoke sometime later and heard the boys giggling.

"Ahh, it's summer. Let them be" I thought. And rolled over again.

This morning when I left my bedroom I found different sized stools littering the hallway.

I didn't think much of it till I peeked into the boys room and found books strewn across the floor.
There in the middle of the pile was the reason for the stools.


Jarom found my hiding spot for all the HP books in the linen closet!
He laughed about it this morning.
He said it took him a long time to figure out how to reach them in the dark.

I wonder how long he stayed up?
Should I care that we have a son who is a nocturnal reader?
What parent has to hide books to get their kid to go to bed?

I'm sure I'll be begging for days like this in no time.

I hope you and Jen are having a great time.
She called me this morning and said you two had a reading party last night too!
(Humm....where do they get it?)

The boys are keeping it real here. We've played basketball, star wars, trains, and puzzles.

Don't eat too much sweets! (but if you do bring home the extra!)

Miss you,


Jarom and Abi seem to have so much fun together!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jennica's Baptism Trip

In the Hobi Home when a child turns seven they get to go on a
Baptism Trip with Dad, and Dad only.

This morning Jen left on this Trip.

Dad keeps the location of the trip a secret till they are on the way.
(But we've decided it will be the same trip for all of them.)

I took her to the grocery store last night to pick out her traveling treats.
Her pick was chocolate covered pretzles and lemonade.

They are on their way to Palmyra NY to watch the Pageant and see the Joseph Smith sites.

I gave her a camera to take pictures of their adventures. I can't wait to hear all about it!

It's me and the boys for a few days! (and sweet Abi of course!)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The porch

This Evening was a fun one.
Jennica and I jump roped up the hill for exercise then jogged back home.

Then we sat on the porch to cool off.

I love our porch. It's perfect in the evening,

Jen played Beauty Shop with my hair while I watched a skunk wander in our backyard and wondered what I would do if my kids got sprayed.

It's great having this backyard. It's home to a lot of animals. Each day we watch for deer and have even seen a wild turkey and now a SKUNK!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lump on a log

Tonight I am home alone with the baby.

The rest of the family is gone camping.

I have been looking forward to this night probably as much as the kids have.

I imagined myself going shopping and not having to rush home to make dinner or

Staying up late blogging the many thoughts I’ve mentally put on my To Blog list.

Instead, I sit in my quiet house BORED.

I can’t think of anything witty or clever to write.

I shop online instead of going out.

I even turn on a kid movie for background noise.

I’m all out of sorts right now.

I’ve never been so disappointed about going to bed before.

Maybe tomorrow morning I’ll have a better time....before they return.

Photos: Sam reconsidering his dessert.
Our 4th of July treats

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Toothina

Dear Toothina,

Last Night Jarom lost a tooth.
You came.
You left Money.
and you left the TOOTH!

A few months ago Jennica left you a note.
She is still waiting for a reply.

In the past you have been a great fairy....
Are you ok?
This isn’t like you. Are you ill?

If you are sick, I understand.
I suffer from “Baby Brain.”

I thought maybe you might be suffering from “baby Brain” too.
It happens to the best of us.

Jarom is trying to get double prizes.
His tooth is under the pillow again.

Maybe you could install Central Air instead of leaving money.
I won’t tell.

With Love,


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Like Rockers...

I don't like Rock music.
It's too much noise for my enjoyment.
I never have and at this rate, I never will.

BUT, recently I have been pleased with the "ROCK" fans.

I have this shirt:

I bought it for a costume party.
Now I wear it to the gym and around the house.

Last week at the gym a "Rocker" greeted me at 6:30am with a kind smile and
followed up with a "ROCK ON!"
It didn't register that he was talking to me until I was several steps away.
Right then I was a "Stuck Up Rocker."

Today I wore the shirt again, a little embarrassed while I ran my errands. (A few too many)
The guy at the Dump liked my shirt....obvious "Rocker"
The grandma at the Library didn't.
The Man at Costco liked My shirt...he even helped me load two AC Units in my car!
The young kid working at Home Depot liked it,
and the Cashier who checked me out (literally) like it too.

It's amazing what message you send with the clothes you wear.

All the "Rockers" were really kind to me today.


(I'm so not a rocker!)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Food Problem

***I wrote this July last year but never posted it. This "issue" is evolving into a new lifestyle for me and my family. I thought I'd post this now. I'm sure to write about in the future as I continue to learn.****


The past 48 hours I have crammed my brain with food!

I realized I need help with meal ideas and in my search for "ideas" I have been on this exhausting Nutrition Mission.

I don't like spending time in the kitchen!

I don't like cooking, cleaning, preparing, or anything that involves the kitchen.

I don't like the time required to fix dinner.

I don't like visits to the refrigerator over and over and all day long.

Most the time, eating is a burden.

Being aware of my relationship with the kitchen, I am really really confused at the desire I have recently became obsessed with.

I feel like Jonah when he was called by God to be his messenger to the people of Nineveh.

I'm thinking "No, thanks. I really don't want anything to do with food and time in the kitchen. I'd rather live my life in ignorance. Eating my way to my deathbed if necessary.

Let me make this clear. I have been rescued by my husband, several times, from starvation. You see, I don't get hungry. I came prepackaged without the "warning system" installed that lets your brain know you need food.

It hits me fast and the next thing I know, I am beyond moody, and tired. When I get like this I'd rather go lie down and sleep off the hunger pains than go to the kitchen and prepare something.

The very thought of preparing food is too much for me.

I am alright with creating a breakfast or lunch. But I have a huge mental block on dinners. I HATE dinners. Showing up to a meal is perfect. Preparing one is torture!
One sure way to ruin my day is to realize it's getting late and the kids are hungry and I have NO thoughts on dinner plans.

Even if I did have dinner plans that would require I go grocery shopping. Another least-favorite hobby of mine.

So, do you see the bewilderment of my new found drive on nutrition?

What's going on here?

I don't want to put effort into educating myself on this topic.

I don't like it.

I didn't like it when I lived with my mother and she'd ask for help in the kitchen. I didn't sign up for these classes in College for a reason!

I am being asked to do something I really don't want to do!

I feel the Lord is telling me I need to become aware of the "nutrition" or the lack-thereof that my family is partaking.


Bit by bit information has been placed in my lap! This stuff is coming to me.

The next thing I know I'm throwing away bags full of "junk" from my cupboards.

I'm talking to people with similar desires and getting great leads to some improvements.

Most recently, I found myself at the local library. While the kids were engaged at the kids section the thought came to me to find some cookbooks. I stood in the isle staring at the rows of books in front of me.
Having only a few minuets to choose I became frustrated. What was I looking for?

I offered a prayer for help then grabbed a handful of books and checked them out.

The following 48 hours I was reading profusely from those books. There is no doubt God wants me to know this stuff.

I spent the bulk of my day in the kitchen. Preparing Whole, Natural, Fresh food for all 3 meals of the day and a few snacks in between.

What satisfaction I felt...until it was time to clean up. I was exhausted.

My table is strewn with notes, books, lists, and recipes.
I had enough! My natural feelings of resentment toward the duties in the kitchen sent me into a terrible mood.

I don't want to do this all day!

I will be better off tomorrow for the knowledge i learned today.

But I have a feeling this isn't about me.

***Now here I am a full year later eating very different foods than I use to. This has been a step by step transition. I have learned so much about Nutrition. I have come a long way but still have the journey ahead. Another post, another day.