Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mom and Me.

I am the sixth out of seven from the Taylor Tribe. I have five brothers and one sister.
I lived life in the fast lane always trying to keep up or act “Big enough.”

No matter how you dice it I am the “little sister.” Although I am thirty years old, with a family of my own, I don’t think my family see’s me as I really am.

That’s the price you pay to live out of state.

I wonder, sometimes, what it would be like to have family close by. What would it be like to bump into them at the gym or at church? It would be nice to have lunch with the sister-in-laws, have my kids play with their cousins, or even enjoy a vacation with them.

To my family I am still Little Emmy. The sister that left town over a decade ago. Perhaps they remember me like I remember them- as they were when I left.

I don’t have the day to day reminders of “life” to keep perspective on who they are. Likewise, I fear when they think of me they remember tomboy Em, out riding bikes with the boys.

I get a dose of their lives when I return for a summer. I meet the new babies and introduce mine. I step into their sunny world and watch them as their routines stay the same and life goes on. All the while I struggle to fit in with the time change, and all the other unexpected events of being a guest without complete control over your situation.

When I leave, I return to a world unknown to most of them. A world very different from the life they live and the life I once knew.

They have no idea what my life is like out here. They don’t know who my friends are, what my community is like or my invlovement in any of it. Part of that is nice but it can be a bit lonely.

A few weeks ago, my mom stepped into part of my world. A visit unlike any before.

She came for a week and witnessed what my life is really like. She learned things about me you can’t tell about yourself.

She saw what a typical morning is like before school. She saw the paths I walk each morning, she saw the kids at soccer practice.
She saw the streets I drive up and down daily, my flowers, my trees, my garden and my door decoration.
She saw my grocery store, my church, our school, and my garage!
She listened to my music, my kids read and play the piano, fight and love each other.
She witnessed my creative moments and my crazy moments.

We talked all day long while doing laundry, dishes, dinner and bedtime routines.
Most of our nights ended with me falling asleep in my recliner. (sometimes in mid-secentance)

My mom saw Me. She knows who I am, what I live for, my passions, and my family.

It felt good to be seen.

Thanks mom, for taking time to step into my world!

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Horribly perfect Day

Today I did not like my kids. I sat with them during Stake Conference and contemplated locking them up in an empty classroom.

I envisioned myself walking away from the pew and never returning.

I wanted to take the bag stuffed with coloring books, picture books, Friend Magazines, and other tricks to entertain their minds for two hours, and BONK them on the head!

I wanted to take the bottle of water (that I brought for ME) and dump it all over Jennica so she would know what it felt like after she carelessly spilled on me twice.

I even thought about walking up to the podium with the Choir even though I’ve NEVER sang in a Choir! But I knew the result of that would be just as tragic.

I was in a tough spot.

How could I possibly sit through another moment with these grumpy kids?

There I sat with a child on my pregnant lap, nylons too tight, water spilled down my side and two other kids bringing out the fists if the other touched them!

Once Conference was over I bolted out of there. Not even looking back to see if my crew was in tow.
I was on a mission. I wanted my own space- in the passenger seat.

The 45 min. drive home through rural NY was Heaven Sent. I slowly forgot my frustrations as I took in the beauty of Autumn. Today was a perfect day.

Beautiful enough to put a smile back on my face and love inside my heart for my children by the time I got home.

I love the Fall. I wish I could capture this remedy in a bottle. I know a day like today could solve any of my moody moments.

Nothing compares to a Fall in Connecticut.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vermont (click on the collage to view)

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Last weekend, right after Jarom's baptism, we rushed home, changed our clothes, packed our bags and piled into the car for a surprise Road Trip.

We drove a few hours to Sharon, Vermont, the Birthdaplace of Joseph Smith. Traveling to this small town was worth the drive- not only for the magnificent beauty and great pictures I captured, but for the feeling I felt when I stepped out of the car! The property is filled with music. The ambiance was Heavenly. The monument and visitors center were inspiring.

We stayed the night and enjoyed Sunday morning church at the Mission Home with fellow campers and missionaries.
This place was beautiful in so many ways. I was overcome with gratitude for this man while reviewing his life through paintings.
This was the perfect Mini-trip after a baptism. We are so lucky to have lived near so many important church sites.
We lived in Ohio near Kirtland, now we are in the mix of so much church history from Vermont to New York.
We hope to see Navoo soon.

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We were happy Grandma Trena was able to join us on the adventure. I was especially happy because I made her take my family pictures. The colors were AMAZING!!!!!! The kids desire for posing-not so amazing.
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Check out my growing belly in the photo with Jen. I told mom my baby was only the size of an apple and her reply was: "Yeah, you mean a barrel of apples!" I am clearly showing more than I should. (I am 15 weeks in the photo)
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Saturday, October 17, 2009


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Last Saturday Jarom was baptized. Where did the time go? I find it odd I am a mother to an eight year old.
He is such a fun boy. I love that he has a tender heart. He hates to see anyone or anything get hurt.

He is such a good kid. He really does know the scriptures and love them. I am amazed when I listen to him have conversations with his dad about the Book of Mormon. Everything he reads sticks in his mind. Sam and Jarom have a game where Sam quizzes Jarom on the Characters of the BOM. Jarom is tough to stump.
Recently Jarom has learned a lot about Joseph Smith. His tender heart already holds a special place for that Prophet.

I feel very blessed to have Jarom as my child. I learn so much from him already. He is such a good brother.

This day was a special day in the Hobi home.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Jarom's 8th bday

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Ok, so it has been a while since I have posted. I have had a lot to celebrate this past month. We started out by celebrating Jarom's 8th birthday.
This has been a big year for him. He was so excited to turn eight. For his birthday we gave him his very own set of scriptures. He LOVED (and still does) love them! His other gifts were a basketball, watch, and bucket of soliders. So easy to please at this age.
Our traditional birthday breakfast celebration of pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles was a hit.
That evening the family ate his favorite meal... dumplings.
The Next week more celebrating to come. Grandma Trena is coming to visit and attend his baptism.....

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where I come From...

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Where I come from the sky is BIG and it’s always sunny.
I don’t notice the sky so much here. It’s usually through the trees to be seen. But I am very aware of the weather -each day is a new surprise.

Where I come from the sun is HOT first thing in the morning.
Not so much here. It takes the good part of the morning to warm up. A Jacket is always handy.

Where I come from you don’t get a lot of rain.
Here, mystifying fog hangs over the ground early in the morning or late afternoon indicating a Thunderstorm is in the making.

Where I come from EVERYONE is at church on Sunday.
As we drive to church here we pass school fields full of baseball games, lacrosse, soccer, or swim meets, walkers, runners, & bikers.

Where I come from there are a few different denominations.
We have a place here called “God’s Acre” where several churches are built.

Where I come from Stucco is what most houses are built of with cacti, rocks and a little grass for landscaping.
Here white picket fences, bridges, gates, or stone walls adore your landscape of the charming New England style homes.

Where I come from you run into someone you know at least everywhere you go.
I consider myself lucky if I recognize someone while shopping ALL day long.

Where I come from there are neighborhoods complete with sidewalks and a set of grandparents.
No such luck here. Homes are dispersed here and there. Up a hill, over this pond, behind these trees, or around the bend. Sidewalks and neighborhoods don’t mix.

Where I come from you can get a great haircut at Fantastic Sam’s and for a great deal.
Here you can get a terrible hair cut and REALLY pay for it.

Where I come from a family of 3 is relatively small.
Three kids here requires a nanny, maid, and Pre-school!

Where I come from swim lessons for kids are a full hour and several weeks long for $30.
Here I can buy a single 30min lessons for $30.

Where I come from you don’t see mailboxes at each residence anymore.
Here I greet my mail man every afternoon on my steps.

Where I come from Pre-school tuition is $300-$450 a year.
Here it is the same as BYU tuition. $6000
(For your 4 year old to scribble with paints!)

Where I come from daycare at a Gym is $1 a kid.
My local gym is $5.75 an hour!

Where I come from Rhodes Rolls are sold everywhere.
None, nada, nowhere here!

Where I come from Spring shows up in March/April and is there to stay.
She isn’t here to stay till May-ish.

Where I come from a fast food chain is unavoidable.
Not one exists in my town! (hooray)

Where I come from a sunset can be seen.
Here I watch the sun disappear behind the trees... and sometime later it gets dark.

Where I come from you don’t hear church bells ringing at noon each day and Sunday mornings like I do here.

Where I come from you don’t see the colors of a rainbow in the trees during Fall.

The life I live here on the East Coast compared to my life in the West is FULL of contrast.

Nonetheless, I prefer it here.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Three meals a day use to be enough to fuel my life. That was a few pounds ago and several weeks ago.

I made meal plans on-the- go, went shopping sporadically and most the time felt eating was a burden.

I've never liked the time or energy meal time requires.

Eating was something that had to take place to satisfy grumpy attitudes, ensure a peaceful sleep or fuel to move on with the day.

That was then.

Now it’s quite different for me.

Now I wake up at 4:30am stumbling to the kitchen in hopes Martha Stewart has a snack waiting for me. Only to wake up to the reality that avocado on toast is what I really get.

Now, I can’t jump out of bed quick enough to begin a hearty breakfast for both me and the kids.

Now, I am in the kitchen scavenging through the fridge 24/7.

Now, I visit the grocery store every other day because I have new idea’s for meals or snacks.

Now, I am starving all day long.

Now I am eating for two!

Hobi Baby #4 due to arrive next Spring!