Day 1: The FRUITS

I’ve decided to break up with the Pizza guy! He is no longer welcome in our neighborhood! (Yes, we are the only ones that have pizza delivered in our neighborhood! This could be because the Pizza Restaurant is practically across the street. Further proof of how pathetic we are. )

My body is so messed up right now. My appetites are out of control. I crave sweets, I am tried all day and don’t
eat great meals.

Since my pants don’t fit me, and I will be on a beach soon, (too soon) I talked Sam into doing a Cleanse with me.

I call it a Fruit and Veggie diet. Sam calls it the Word of Wisdom diet.

For seven days basically ALL we will eat is fruits and vegetables. This will clear our bodies of impurities and stop the sugar cravings and then I’ll be on my way to better, healthy eating.

I like this because I’m not starving myself.

Today I can eat all day long as long as it is a fruit, except bananas. And I can eat all the veggie soup I can handle. The more you eat the better.
This is the soup. Pretty tasty.

Today is Day 1.

Exercise: Killer Butt DVD
Breakfast: 1/2 Cantaloupe
lunch: 1/2 grapefruit ( I couldn't’t down the whole thing)
         1 cup vegetable soup (tasty with seasonings)
         1 cup water
                I feel full

Snack: Handful of grapes (Not my favorite fruit)
         frozen blueberries (yum!!)

I’ve been eyeing the freshly baked bread roll Jace made at pre-school and has no desire to eat! It looks so yummy.
I went through the cupboards and tossed the chips, girl scout cookies, kettle corn popcorn, Costco sized Trail Mix and HUGE bag of M&M’s.

After school snack: I put out a plate of cut up red peppers, grapes, carrots, hummus, and kiwi. The kids ate it ALL with no complaints. If only I knew it was so easy.

Pre-dinner:        2 cups of vegetable soup.

I felt great this afternoon. Great energy.
I worked up an appetite reading a Junie B. Jones book to the kids and by the time I was finished I was exhausted! (I get pretty animated..)

The soup was a welcome treat.
I have to pee a lot.

Dinner        1/2 cantaloupe
                 1/2 kiwi
                 1 cup water
I wasn’t that hungry so I didn’t eat the soup.

I have a head ache tonight. (Is this my carb with-drawl?)
My patience is thin. Good thing the kids are already in bed.

Sam and I had to make some more vegetable soup tonight to get us through tomorrow. He ate a lot more than I did.

Tomorrow is all Vegetables! I can't wait to dig into the broccoli. (Really)


Stacie and Kai said…
is this a diet you and sam made up or is there a system to it? whats the recipe for the soup? Fill me in!
Penny said…
I tried this too! I lost 4 lbs, but gained it right back! I hope you do better than I did! Good Luck!:)

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