9 years of bliss

This month Sam and I are celebrating our 9th Anniversary!! Boy how time flies. I thought I would write up a beautiful tribute to my wonderful husband. And talk about the exciting adventures and wonderful years we’ve shared. You know, the kind that paints the perfect picture of the perfect man...
I just turned to find him sitting up on the couch with a book in hand, mouth open, dead asleep! Mind you, we were just having a conversation a few seconds ago. This image of him is quite funny. I stop to take a picture- because I was just about to describe that “perfect” picture- why not just post it? I thought how great would this blog be to have that pathetic picture! As I zoom in for the kill I am laughing audibly. As the shutter clicks he wakes up. How do I explain this one?
Oh wait....TIMBER! He falls over to the arm of the couch and is gone, ...AGAIN. All the romantic thoughts just ran out the door as I took pity on my hard working husband. My Friday night can’t get any better than this. I casually return to the computer to give him a few more seconds to soak up REM, then I check the camera to see if I captured the moment. What a bummer- no memory card!! Lucky Sam.
Here’s to an exciting 10th year ahead! :)


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