Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I found a Hobbit house!

I wonder if they get any trick-or-treaters??

Best Pout of the year!

My Jennica can pull the most pathetic pout.  On this particular day I found it rather cute.  I think this one was caused by the wrong flavor of sucker! boohoo!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Church with Flags

I loved the look of this church with all these flags pegged in the ground. Each Flag represents an American solider lost in the war.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Camping with the Amish

For Memorial Day weekend we left the city life, the cell phones, and the toliets behind and joined up with the Amish in Lancaster, PA.  This provided a welcomed dose of "family time."
We pitched our tent, made a fire and enjoyed the SLOW pace of life- right in the backyard of an Amish Farm!  It is so great to have Sam around for long weekends.  Camping is at the top of our To Do List!  We had a great time here!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Green Thumb?

Our wonderful Landlord, Don, built an area for us to plant a garden.  He gathered the kids and had them plant all the seeds and tomatoes so they could see how things grow.  Now it's up to us to keep them alive!???  Last year Jarom grew pumpkins, we'll see if we can keep the rabbits, and chipmunks away!  Jen suggested we grow a scare"grow" to scare off the animals.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We Did It!!

A picture says a million words!
A lot of people have asked me how I feel now that Sam has graduated.  Well, this picture sums it all up!  Great work Babe and welcome back!!