Sunday, February 5, 2012


Recently I had a long conversation over the phone with my Mom.  
When we talk I hang up a better person.  Our conversations start out superficial; she asks me what I’m doing.  My response is always: “Cleaning the kitchen.”
Then somehow brilliance hits me and I find myself yapping away over all the thoughts that have been shut up in my head.
I’m basically spewing at the mouth while she patiently listens or eggs me on.

Our conversations are rarely short.  
I love them.  
They are like the hug you didn’t know you needed until you are wrapped up in caring arms.
It’s so refreshing.

During our last chat I realized what my new 30 day challenge is going to be.

I do a lot of work on the computer for Rising Star Outreach during the day and I always end my days journal writing/Blogging.
What my kids see is mom sitting at the computer.  Not mom working on the Lifting Leprosy campaign in India.

I could (and would) spend hours at the computer.  I LOVE what I do, but I can only avoid my mothering/housekeeping duties for so long.
I would rather send emails to reporters to publish stories about Rising Star than unload my dishwasher.
I would rather update my blogs than go to the grocery store.
I feel so much of my life is choosing BETTER or BEST.
I can talk myself right into justifying my time is well spent at the computer.  It’s for a noble cause, right?
Unfortunately, it’s sending the wrong message to my family.  I don’t want them to remember me as always being on the computer.  I would rather have them remember me as always being in the kitchen!  

I realized, while talking to mom, that I can be distracted by so many things when what I should be doing isn’t as ”FUN“ as what I want to be doing.

I know there is a healthy balance to both my passions of motherhood and Rising Star.  I just have to be smart about it.
So, my 30 day challenge is to be MOM when the kids are home.  
Not "mom on the computer."
Abi is still a great sleeper.  She takes 3-4 hour naps each day, so while she sleeps I can sneak some time during the day.

I feel so lucky to be conflicted between BETTER or BEST.  To me I have the best 2 jobs on earth, but there is a flaw that will destroy both.
Starting each day on my knees and in the BOM is good armor. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I heard today that the silly Groundhog, we named a national holiday after, is right only 39% of the time!
That seems a bit odd to me.  Why on earth do we give that varmint a spot on the calendar?

39% doesn't fly in this house.
39% on homework means NO FOOTBALL
39% on meals means we are starving!
39% dressed means you're more than half NAKED!

39% isn't good!!

Jace wondered why they had school on Groundhog day.
I wonder why we have groundhog day!

And that movie Groundhog Day...(I won't go into it)  BUT
if I had to re-live today over and over my favorite part would be swimming with Jennica.  She is a hoot!
I love that she feels like a friend when we hang out.

So, Phil says another 6 weeks of winter?
I'm alright with that.  This winter is awesome!

Monday, January 30, 2012


Life lessons never come at a convenient time for me.  
I learn that I need to exercise self control when I am really hungry.
I learn that my true self is NOT kind when I am uncomfortable.  
And I find I want to cry when I am over whelmed.
It’s in the Heat of these moments that I have a choice to make, and most the time during those moments I’m feeling sorry for myself.

Today Jarom had one of these "Life Lessons" also.  He didn't want to participate in something I committed to having him attend.  He did a great job expressing his feelings.  He explained to me why he didn't want to be there and what he was feeling inside and begged me to let him stay home.
I totally understood what he was feeling.  I remember feeling the same when I was a kid
As he was squirming in the seat next to me I wanted to take away his uncomfortable feelings.  I wanted to tell him he didn't have to go but I knew this was "One of those Life Lessons" that can only be learned by experiencing it.
I knew what he was feeling in the car, on the way, was a lot worse than the actual event.  
It was HIS OWN MISCONCEPTION that was causing the fear.  I knew once he got there everything would be fine.
And it was. 
He lacked confidence in himself, but had to move forward.
Those moments are scary and hard.  But those moments make you into something.

Spreading the love in the HobiHome:

She's wondering why I am standing on a chair.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Trying it on for size

This weekend I had a lot on my mind.  I've been mentally busy.. That's what India does to me.
So, in order to get motivated and focused on my housework I tried something new.  I put on HUGE (but very nice) headphones.  I washed windows, dusted, vacuumed and many other tedious chores while enjoying my favorite music.  I like the headphones over just playing music throughout the house because I coudn't hear ANYTHING going on around me.  I blocked out all distractions.  It was fun!

For hours (like 3) I busied myself about the house in my own world.
During this "productive escape" I came across some things that made me laugh.

I am one of those people who don't take tags off things- just in case I decide I want to take it back.
Sam, on the other hand, rips the tag off the second he gets home.  
I want to be sure it's the right thing for me.  It's sorta like I have a trial period.
This doesn't pertain to clothing only.  
For instance:

These items are still sitting in my house with tags on them.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep them, I just haven't established a process of WHEN to take the tag off.

While I was cleaning Sam took the boys to buy new shoes.  He surprised me with a few things!  
I LOVE "comfy" clothes in the winter.  
So much that I wear Sam's football sweats from College more than he does.  They are oversized and so warm!
So, he bought me my own! (even though he admits he loves seeing me in his)

I love them too!  Right after I put them on I took off the obvious tags then made a quick errand to a friends house. While I was there I realized a tag was still attached to my bottom!  I had to laugh...this isn't the first time thats happened!

Then, today as I was dressing for church I pulled on a skirt I have worn many, many times and found the tag still attached inside! ha!  
What does this say about me?  I have issues!
I'm not the only one...
I just found this pic.  It made me laugh.  My kids think its funny to play with the photo booth on my Mac.
This one makes me want to cry.  She is so fun!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

BIG abi

Kids really do grow up over night!  I’ve heard it said before and knew someday I would say it too but I assumed it would be when they were all grown.  
I was all about my kids growing up when I had 3 seat belts to buckle, 3 cups to fill with milk and 3 bums to wipe!  I was ready for some milestones and frankly some of them didn’t come soon enough.
I remember the days when I would go to the library to waste time.  Sit outside and color the patio with chalk, and watch the clock Tick-Tock ever so slowly.  My days seemed SO long.  I had a routine at night which included a 45 minuet bath! (for the kids not me)

Today things are very different.  My clock doesn’t Tick or Tock anymore.  It ZOOMS!  I’m in full throttle the moment my feet are out of bed.
I don’t answer Super Hero questions anymore.  Instead I pin posters of Michael Jordan and Jimmer Ferdett on walls.

I don’t pick up princesses, I drop off movies.  

I loved the little kid stage, but I’m enjoying the bigger kids phase too.

I like to think I have the best of both worlds right now.  While my older 3 are off to school all day I stay at home with Little Abi in the “Little” stage.  I love listening to Dora and Boots while I am cleaning.  I love nap time and sippy cups.  But today, Abi went and messed everything up!

I’m not kidding when I say she woke up a different child!  She did!  As of today she started talking in sentences.  Her little belly was poking out of her shirt and she walked like a KID not a toddler.  It was like a whole new world opened up today for her.  She walked me to my closet when I told her I needed to get dressed and pointed to my side and said: “There it is!”
After I was dressed and pulled my hair up she called me a “Princess.” 
I fell in love with a different girl today.  She is a Big girl. 

She took my snack and ate it all.  I sat on the floor and watched her grow up in front of me.  I love her so much.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lion King on Broadway

The last time I took the kids to Broadway I swore I’d never do it again.  Well, I gave it another shot.  This time Sam went with us.  It turned out much better.  
Today was a family fun day.  We surprised the kids and picked them up from school at 1pm and drove into New York for the day.
It was hard to believe it is January.  No snow on the ground and beautiful, but chilly, day.
We hung around Time Square, had dinner at the Shake Shack then went to the Lion King.  

Sam purchased the tickets in December  and got great seats.  We were the 3rd row from the stage.  It was a great show.  I love watching people use their talents.  I especially love watching singers perform.  I defiantly didn’t get that gift so I marvel at others ability to do it so well.

We left Abi with a baby sitter.  The kids were so excited to pick her up.  They love her so much.
I love living so close to New York.  The best part is spending the entire day in New York but getting to sleep in my own bed!
It’s way past our bedtime!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I realized today that I am a pretty darn good sleeper!  I don’t do anything better than how I sleep.
When I am sleeping I am 100% committed!  
I took a nap with Abi today and she gave me some competition!  We went down at noon and I had a very hard time getting out of bed at 4pm!!  Yes, I said 4 in the afternoon!  I had to go wake Abi too.  She has always been a great sleeper.
Unlike her, I wake up wishing I had more time to sleep.  I could always use more sleep.  Abi wakes up laughing.  She is bouncing in her crib ready to love everyone around her.
I need time to wake up.  I don’t like people asking me questions that need a response.  Things like:
“Mom, what’s for breakfast” or
“What are we going to do today?” don’t fly well with me.
I feel suffocated with having to use my brain right as I wake up.

I was thinking today how sleep gets 100% of me.  NOTHING gets 100% of me!  No wonder we are such good companions.