Monday, January 18, 2010

Vaccinations- my Reading

Last night I spent the evening reading a book about vaccinations.
It’s titled “What you Doctor may Not tell you about Children’s Vaccinations.“

I need to have a Medical record ready for Jace to enter Kindergarten and I know they aren’t going to like that he hasn’t been immunized completely.

Jarom and Jennica are fully immunized but I stopped half way through with Jace. I really didn’t feel good about them but didn’t have the knowledge so I just didn’t get them.

I have read a few books this past year and feel very strongly against most vaccinations and the ”One size fits all“ shot requirements the State demands.

I will refuse shots on the new baby until it’s older. Absolutely NO shots at the Hospital!!!!

I feel better prepared to make decisions and fight my position with the school.

Some shots are ok but NEVER more than one at a time, and I will wait till the child is Older. Like 2 before I start.

Another book I have read is
Vaccinations A Thoughtful parents guide.

I DO NOT like how vaccines are made nor that they think every child needs EVERY shot.

No wonder we have so many disabilities and sickness with kids these days.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Photo of the week

Shadows were fun on this day! It was January but felt like a beautiful Spring Day. We played in the SNOW without coats!

This is Super Hero Jace and his bike. (Never mind the large leaf on the ground-clearly I missed that!)

Friday, January 15, 2010

disappear- A "Mommy Magic" Story

I have a four year old that is very clever.

He thinks he can make himself disappear and reappear.

He tells me to look away and when I do he runs out of the room. He is convinced I truly believe he has disappeared!

It’s so cute to see him display his magical talent.

This week he decided he was exempt from house rules. He didn’t make his bed or clean up his room. He refused to do it. After two days of toys, and clothes thrown on his floor I decided I had to flex some mommy muscle and get him moving.

“Jace, today is the day!” I cheered.

“Today is the day for what?” he questioned with just as much excitement as I.

“Today you get to make that mess in your room disappear!” I proclaimed with a hint of magical wonder.

He stared into my face with a bit of stupor but quite a bit of amusement.

“You do know how to make things disappear, right?” I questioned.

He didn’t answer. He kept that secret to himself.

“Go see if you can make all the legos disappear in your room.”

Still no answer, just a sly smile.

“Come tell me when your done.“ I stated with complete confidence in his magical ability.

Off he ran into his room.

A few min later a very proud, confident boy strutted into my room and announced he had completed his task!

”What?!!“ I exclaimed in wonder. ”You DID it, already?“

This really fueled the fire. Soon he was jumping up and down begging me to challenge him to another task.

Next came the clothes, trucks, books, dress ups, and finally the bed!

He made them ALL disappear!


He is so clever!

Something to swallow...

I knew I was onto something!

Today I paid a visit to my Dr.

It has been a month since I was there. Just before Christmas to be exact.

The nurse and I had a good laugh when I stepped onto the scale.

She didn’t believe the scale....I DID!

She had me remove my shoes, empty my pockets and try again.

Same results.

“My, you must of had some great Christmas!” She commented.

The past few weeks flashed through my mind.

Sam was home. That means he did most the cooking!

I dined on bacon, eggs, and pancakes most mornings. Ham, potatoes, bread, donuts, and pies; just to name a few.

One week I was hooked on Root-beer- I NEVER drink carbonation but I was drinking it like water!

The scale was telling the truth. The WHOLE truth. We (the nurse and I) were laughing like little school girls about it.

My past visits to the scale have been 3 or 4 pounds gained for the month.

I am stepping into my 3rd Trimester, so weight gain is to be expected,

Just NOT half the total weight goal!!

I gained 15lbs!!!!

It’s good being pregnant!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Something to chew on

I rushed to the grocery store for one item needed for dinner...Monterey Jack Cheese.

As I hurried to the Entrance a table was set up just outside the doors with a young woman collecting money for the Earthquake victims in Haiti.

As I passed her she kindly said to me, “Please consider this when you leave.”

I immediately knew I wasn’t going to contribute because I was using a debit card and never carry cash.

Then my mind was refocused to getting in and out of the store as fast as I could.

I found the cheese, stood in line longer than I wanted and was soon on my way out.

As I approached the doors, I saw the woman again, and she politely asked if I’d like to contribute. I held up the debit card and said, “Sorry no cash.”

She sweetly replied she understood as I walked away.

Feeling a “little” guilty I wondered if these charities are a success anymore with the wide use of credit cards and debit cards.
I think I’d be more willing to hand over cash if I was ever carrying it.

Just as these thoughts entered my mind and before I got 10 yards away from this woman I spotted a $20 bill in the parking lot!

“You know what?” I called out as I picked it up. “Looks like you just gained $20.”
I returned to her table and dropped the money into her collection box.

I felt good about the exchange until I told Sam about it.

He teased me about taking the easy way out.
“It’s easy to give away someone else’s money isn’t it? No sacrifice, commitment, or risk.”

Suddenly my good deed didn’t feel so good.

He’s right...

It probably would have felt a lot better to ask for cash back when buying my block of cheese and donate my own money.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It’s official...I am really pregnant.

Sure I’ve been aware of this condition for the past 28 weeks, but as of TODAY it really counts.

Today I woke up after having 9 hours rest and slowly made it through scripture study and breakfast. I Got the kids to school and plopped down on the couch for another 2 1/2 hour nap.

I was OUT. At one time I awoke to a snort I must have caused as I switched positions. I tried really hard to open my eyes to see what the clock read but they didn’t hold up well. It was easier to just return to the comatose state I came from.

Finally at 11:30am I felt I could give the day another try.

I put on my moon boots and coat and headed for the car before I changed my mind. I desperately needed to go grocery shopping.
Sam called while I was out and offered lunch. I declined, partly because I didn’t think I’d get my shopping complete and partly because I didn’t want him to see me this way.

It doesn’t take much for him to convince me of anything. After a quick stop to Costco I was on my way to meet my handsomely dressed husband in my moon boots and unkept face.

Lunch was yummy. I didn’t realize I was so hungry. I was staring at my empty plate a few minuets later wondering if I was full.

As I watched Sam fidget with his Blackberry, across the table, I wondered what his morning was filled with. Just by his appearance it was obvious he had accomplished more than me.

Would it be fair for him to know what I had been up to all morning?

All I have to say is: “I’m holding the baby.” and I’m excused of any situation. That’s our understood “code word” for pregnancy situations aka: get out of jail free card. I use it often. He always smiles and picks up the slack.

Today I literally feel like I am “holding the baby.“ I feel the weight of it in a different way. My belly makes sudden jumps visible to others, as if this child is kicking it’s way out.

Mom called me after lunch. We laughed about how time has crept up on me.
I have plenty more growing to do the problem is I’m running out of space.

I went swimming again this evening. It felt so wonderful! My body is able to stretch in the water in a way that can’t be done otherwise.
While in the water I was the locker-room it was a different story.

I had a hard time reaching my feet and a harder time getting them into my socks. When I dressed to my surprise I found my belly hanging out of my maternity shirt!!

Refreshed, nonetheless, I picked my kids up from the play room and headed home for dinner.

I waddled today. I felt it.
Today I feel pregnant!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It’s January

It’s Cold

It’s Snowy

I’m 28 weeks pregnant

I’m grumpy.

I found a new happy place. I like to swim. I didn’t like to swim when training for Triathlons but the water is the only place my body feels free anymore.

I swim laps for 30min. Since I’m doing this for exercise sake (not a time) I find my mind and body really enjoy swimming.

It’s great to be at the gym and be lost in my own thoughts instead of being bombarded with TV monitors and music.

I just need to get used to my body weight when I climb out of the pool. I’m a little tipsy trying to get back to the locker room.