In the News
I’ve had many sleepless nights this week. Not because of too much chocolate, this time. Yes, I still have a little one that wanders into my room almost nightly but he’s not the cause either.
This is why I can’t sleep: Read it here
Dani, from Rising Star called and asked me to Coordinate the Spring Session in India. How can I refuse that? I get to recruit people and then introduce them to the Rising Star Life!
Let me be clear, I’m losing sleep because I am so excited to bring my family! I can’t believe I am returning already.
I remember the day I left Rising Star last July. As I hugged Pam, the Director, she whispered in my ear;
"I think we'll be seeing you again."
I thought of her comments on the long ride to the airport and wondered why she said that. My time in India was a once in a life time experience...or so I thought.
Now I climb in bed and my mind takes off to India.
Won’t you come with me?