If Mama aint Happy...

I was grumpy Mama bear today.  I couldn’t shake it either.  The sad thing is I know attitude is a choice.
I wanted to be grumpy...ALL day.

This also means my entire house was this way too.  I barked orders all morning to get chores done when I didn’t need to be so ugly.
It actually turned out to be a good thing that I was so grumpy while I cleaned the basement with the kids.  I threw away A LOT of stuff.  Sentimental things weren’t giving me warm and fuzzy’s.  I trashed them all!

We had dinner at a friends house tonight.  It was nice to escape the house for a few hours and visit with adults.
But I’m really tired right now and I even slept in till 10:30am!  I’m still recovering from Thursday Night.
I NEED my sleep.
I’m getting old.

Jace lost his FIRST tooth Thursday Night!  You can imagine my surprise Wednesday morning when he announced he lost his tooth late last night and the Tooth Fairy came!  This was news to me.  (Kudos to Mr. Hobi!)

He has been waiting for this tooth to come out for a LONG time.  He even asked Santa for a loose tooth!
Our Tooth Fairy is pretty reliable... most the time.   She still reminds us of Aunt April.


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