Full day Kindergarten!

Today Jennica is a Kindergartner! She has been ready for this day for quite some time. She watched Jarom as a Kindergartner last year so nothing was a surprise. She rides the same bus, goes to the same school, and even has the same teacher he had. I was much more subdued this time around. I guess the difference now is Jennica and I are both ready for this change. She got on the bus without even looking back. Once her mind was set on going to school she was off. I wasn't surprised she didn't need any encouragment from me. She is 5 going on 15.
Now that I am down to one child at home I am able to go running with Jace in the stroller right after the bus leaves, instead of 6am. The course I run takes me pass the school, so I thought I would swing by and say hi while she was on the playground, NOT to check up on her. I arrived a few min. after her bus and found her on the kid swarmed playground buzzing around. I called out to her and once she saw me she gave me a annoyed look and said: " Mom, why are you here?"
I had to laugh. It was obvious she was enjoying her life away from me. The feeling was mutual. :)
I continued my run and thought Jennica and I are experiencing simialr freedoms today.


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