Kindergarten & 1st Grade

Imagine a mom with a 3 year old, 2 year old and 8 months pregnant living on the 10th floor.

Imagine a mom who drives a car full of car seats.

Imagine a mom that sleeps with kids on top of her!

Imagine a mom that goes running with 3 kids in a stroller.

Imagine a mom that sits in the hall at church every week with a baby!

Imagine a mom that knows every song Dora the Explorer has EVER sung!

Imagine a mom that knows the exact countdown to bedtime on a rough day.

Imagine a mom that has read Green Eggs and Ham a billion times.

Imagine a mom that listens to her kids read bedtime stories to her!

Imagine a mom that doesn't have a child in diapers!

Imagine a mom that gets love notes saying; I luv you. You R the best mom evr!

Imagine a mom that only makes her own bed

Imagine a mom that can send a child to the kitchen to find their own snack.

Imagine a mom seeing her kids walk to the bus stop comforting each other from the back to school jitters.

Imagine going from constant 3 to 1 again!!

I didn't imagine it happening so fast!


Keri Bryant said…
Ember, my dear...
You can write! I love your blog. I actually got thru this dry-eyed, a sign that i am looking forward to a new phase, too, I guess, only with NONE at home 3 days a week for a few hours. It really comes faster than you think it will .cant believe how it sad but part of life. listen to the 2nd song on my blog..."You're gonna miss this!" it is awesome. ok, hope that my comment doesnt show the TIME on it..i am mortified how much time i spent getting pix up tonite but i am now officially on and blogging!

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