Stranger at Home
Sixteen years ago I left my hometown.
I was an 18 year old girl ready for change!
Last week I returned to find change moved in when I moved out.
A visit to the Christiansen’s brought us to Hurricane, (the place where the majority of my life experiences and memories were created) but this wasn’t the town I remembered.
Spotted here and there I recognized buildings and houses that triggered memories but for the more part I was a stranger in my hometown.
This visit, I viewed Hurricane through a different lens. I understand today how little I knew then, but still yearned for that youthfulness.
Nothing was the same. Houses seemed smaller than I remembered them, the schools I attended were not the schools I saw and the streets my friends and I ruled were replaced by strangers.
Those friends, that life, and this town aren’t mine anymore.
I felt sad as we drove away.
I felt as if my memories and relationships didn’t really exist.
I wondered if car racing through the streets, high school sports, or missed curfews ever happened-
then I looked at Sam and remembered they did.