One of those Days!

I had one of those days.

Nothing in my closet fits..NOTHING!! Pregnancy clothes make me want to vomit and regular clothes make me look fat!
(you gotta love post-pregnancy during SPRING/SUMMER)

That in itself was enough to put me in a grumpy mood. By Mid-Morning I had to put myself in Time Out, except that didn’t really work because everyone needed me for something.

It can be so frustrating to have four different people need your attention! Especially when you are GRUMPY!!

I am tired of being the only one the kids come to for requests. I'm tired of being the only one who knows EVERYTHING!

I don't handle "NEEDY" very well when my tank is empty.

Can’t I have a bad day without it ruining the rest of the family? Can’t I just hide in a corner and everyone leave me alone? Can’t I stomp around the house like everyone else does when they throw a fit?

I just want to be grumpy alone.

“If Mama ain’t happy ain’t Nobody happy!“

What about Dad?
He did a good job staying happy even though I was a grump. Why can’t the kids follow his example? Why can’t they give me this ONE day to be miserable without jumping in on my pity?

My first entrance into the kitchen I found Jarom and Sam in good Spirits. My rain cloud was looming overhead and the next thing I know Jarom was carrying it too!
I wanted it all to myself and didn’t think it was fair for him to change his mood on the account of me.

Right then I realized my job as a mother is never done.
They are watching every day and every second.

I struggled today.

This afternoon, I tried really hard not to pass my rain cloud to the others. It was hard because today was chore day and I had to supervise all three kids doing their chores.
At one moment or another my attitude was spread. That made me even more upset!

What a challenge!

Sam held his own today, thank goodness. Tonight he took the kids out for dinner.
Was he rescuing me or them???

A nice clean QUIET house all to myself is the perfect remedy!

Tomorrow I will do better because being a Mom is what I do best.

Photo: Not my best side


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