Something to swallow...

I knew I was onto something!

Today I paid a visit to my Dr.

It has been a month since I was there. Just before Christmas to be exact.

The nurse and I had a good laugh when I stepped onto the scale.

She didn’t believe the scale....I DID!

She had me remove my shoes, empty my pockets and try again.

Same results.

“My, you must of had some great Christmas!” She commented.

The past few weeks flashed through my mind.

Sam was home. That means he did most the cooking!

I dined on bacon, eggs, and pancakes most mornings. Ham, potatoes, bread, donuts, and pies; just to name a few.

One week I was hooked on Root-beer- I NEVER drink carbonation but I was drinking it like water!

The scale was telling the truth. The WHOLE truth. We (the nurse and I) were laughing like little school girls about it.

My past visits to the scale have been 3 or 4 pounds gained for the month.

I am stepping into my 3rd Trimester, so weight gain is to be expected,

Just NOT half the total weight goal!!

I gained 15lbs!!!!

It’s good being pregnant!


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