
Three meals a day use to be enough to fuel my life. That was a few pounds ago and several weeks ago.

I made meal plans on-the- go, went shopping sporadically and most the time felt eating was a burden.

I've never liked the time or energy meal time requires.

Eating was something that had to take place to satisfy grumpy attitudes, ensure a peaceful sleep or fuel to move on with the day.

That was then.

Now it’s quite different for me.

Now I wake up at 4:30am stumbling to the kitchen in hopes Martha Stewart has a snack waiting for me. Only to wake up to the reality that avocado on toast is what I really get.

Now, I can’t jump out of bed quick enough to begin a hearty breakfast for both me and the kids.

Now, I am in the kitchen scavenging through the fridge 24/7.

Now, I visit the grocery store every other day because I have new idea’s for meals or snacks.

Now, I am starving all day long.

Now I am eating for two!

Hobi Baby #4 due to arrive next Spring!


Unknown said…
Congratulations!!!!! I am so happy for you! I will be sure to bring by some yummy things for you over the next hungry months!!!!
Keily said…
So happy for you. Here's hoping you have a pleasant pregnancy. xoxo
Congrats Ember! Thats so exciting!
Jena said…
yea! I can't wait to finally see a sam and ember baby! She/he will be so cute! Congrats!
bridgette said…
Congratulations!!! We are thrilled for you guys!! Good luck, I hope it all goes well!
Chelsi said…
Wow! Congratulations! You guys have such great kids--it's nice you're bringing another one into the world. Good luck with your pregnancy and your life revolving around food.
Penny said…
Congrats! How fun is that!?! I wish you lived closer, I'd bring ya yummy food! Happy for you!
Keri Bryant said…
Congrats to you!!!
How are you running Ragnar with eating for 2?? You go girl!!
So happy for you!
lots of love!
Becca B said…
wahoooooooooooooo!!!!! that is so awesome, I am so happy for you and sam :) I'm working on baby 4 meself :) we're also hoping to make a trip out that way, I will have to let you know so we can plan a visit.

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