
Today I had a lot of things on my mind. Such as;

Why has this stack of bottled water been in the corner for 3 weeks?

It’s sad that I’ve mentaly accepted it as a piece of furnature.

When are we going to adopt the pizza guy into our family? He visits us frequently enough to call him family.
Why, oh Why, do I love pizza so much? I have a serious problem. I ate pizza 3 times last week!

Why did this neglected hallway suddenly become a putting range once I tried to vacuum?

How did ALL my jeans shrink!? What are the chances of every single pair of jeans NOT fitting me today?
Did someone say Pizza.......
I have gained weight and I don’t have a new baby or even pregnancy to blame it on. I even sent Sam into my closet to find something for me to wear out tonight. He too, stood dumbfounded at my misfortune. How does a considerable amount of weight suddenly sneak up on one?

  • Pizza

  • Gym membership expired.

  • Pizza

  • Pizza

  • always wearing cozy pajama pants

  • Pizza

  • Winter

  • Pizza

  • Lazy

  • Pizza

  • The good news is I bought a home workout DVD! It’s called Killer Butt! I better get to work.
    Is it Spring yet?


    Penny said…
    I freaking LOVE you! It's that darn dryer. You haven't gained weight! LOL! Pizza has all the food groups isn't that healthy?

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