Mommy Magic Tricks!
Marry Poppins holds the Title of "Mommy Magic" but if your having a hard time locating one of those handbags that seem to consist of EVERYTHING perhaps you should try your hand at "Mommy Magic."
I had a friend email me today and ask if one of my "tricks" really worked with the kids.
She was referring to a post I wrote titled, I Quit! That post was a long time ago and I'm happy to announce my "trick" still works!
Then I realized I have a few "Tricks" I'd like to report on.
#1. I Quit!
Each child still is accountable for their colored dish. .
After my kids eat they take their dish to the sink. (Even my 3 year old clears his spot)
I even went as far to clean out my dish cupboard and removed extra (adult size) bowls and cups. I have enough to get us through a day. If I forget to run the dishwasher I'm up a creek! I LOVE only having what I use and using what I have!
At the end of the day I find a stash of cups (yellow, blue, and pink) lined up next to the fridge where they access water. That's where they go to get their ONE cup.
#2 NO Visitors!
I still haven't had a moments peace in the bathroom. Seriously! I have to laugh EVERY TIME otherwise I'd cry.
I've noticed a few of my friends kids have this same "special" power when they are at my house. What is it??
Do kids think we're going to climb out the window??
#3 Not A Peep!
This one is a KEEPER! Bedtime is WONDERFUL!!! Jarom is now keeping track of how many days straight he has stayed in bed. He is on 37 today!!! He was the one coming out several times a night to go to the bathroom!
Jennica was HARD to get to bed. one of her many issues was "playing" with the door open. Now she still wants the door open but I tell her,
"Open door means no Fish, you decide." ... The door stays closed. She'll test us on day 6, after her 5 day reward, and after her 10th day reward. It just takes her longer to get those rewards.
Bedtime is seriously SMOOTH!
#4 Pebble of Love
I am happy to report Jarom is a different child! This has made the biggest difference in him. He makes sure to floss, mouthwash, and brush every night and morning because he'll get 6 pebbles!!
(And I give him an extra 2 to wipe up his mess)
He wakes up happy, hangs up his coat and backpack after school, makes his bed and cleans his room! Why? Because he likes getting pebbles!!
I let him choose his own rewards this week. This is what he came up with:
50 pebbles=fudgecicle
100 pebbles=mom does chores + scoop of peanut butter
150 pebbles= playdate
200 pebbles= stay up 30min. past bedtime
Last week he earned 210 pebbles. If Jarom's pebbles and Jennica's pebbles = 300 or more, we all go swimming on Sat.
Jennica(age 5) isn't as obssesed with the pebbles. She needs instant gratification. Last week she earned maybe 100 pebbles. This week she figured out she'll get to go to a friends house on the bus if she earned pebbles. She kicked in gear and has more than Jarom, as of today.
Oh, the beauty of a pebble!
#5 Lost Bunny!
This may be a D+ Mom Update. Bunny was found in the clothes hamper the following Saturday, by Me.
She still doesn't know. I am going to put it in her "keepsakes" box.
She continues to talk about "Bunny" but less frequently as the days pass.
#6 The Confession
So, here it is the end of Feb. My "Just Because" gift hasn't arrived.... Meaning I haven't came up with one yet!
I have 2 days to go! AHHHH!!!!! This is proven harder than I expected!
Well, that sums up enough. I should get off the computer and start searching my Noggin for a gift! (Although, I am fighting like mad, against the temptation to go in the kitchen and find something "fun" to eat!)
If you have any Mommy Magic Tricks you'd like to share, or would like to give your thoughts about mine please do!
Let me know you were here. Leave a comment!