A Day of Rest?

Sundays have proven to be a day of frustration to me. Things always seem to go wrong.
I am rushing in the morning because I don’t set my alarm.. After all, it’s Sunday, and church doesn’t start till 10am!

The kids are always grumpy.( Probably because I am rushing them) Church is nice but when we get home I am thrown right back into chaos mode.
We are all hungry and usually grumpy-again.
Sam cooks a great meal (I love him for that!), we eat and I have a huge mess to clean up. This is when I wish my kids were old enough to have dish duty. I just want a day off. After all, isn’t Sunday a day of rest?

This is where my problem with Sunday begins....It’s NOT a day of rest!

The kids are loud and crazy in our little house because they just sat through 3 hours of church. I am telling them ALL day to calm down, stay quiet, or go play outside. (Even if it it FREEZING out there!)

I just want a day to relax myself, but if I relax then the house goes to shambles!!!! How does a mother rest on Sundays?

Week after week I find myself in the same situation. Resentment sets in when I see my husband rightfully enjoying his “Sunday nap” and every need from each child is addressed to ME.

We’ve been in the house for a few hours and each room has already been visited by the Tasmanian Devil! And as soon as I leave the kitchen one child is sure to be hungry...again!

What would it be like to sit down with a book or even a few inspiring thoughts? Perhaps my day will come?
Why not sooner than later? After a typical frustrating evening Sam helped me realize why I struggle with Sunday.

Our wise Prophet, President Monson, has said: “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
Well, that sums up my Sunday efforts. I basically wake up Sunday morning just waiting to be let down.
A day of rest can be accomplished in my home if I put a little bit more effort into it.

Every other day of the week I have a schedule. Failing to plan for Sunday takes away any possibility for rest.
So begins my journey to find rest on my day of Sabbath. Any suggestions?


Chelsi said…
I don't really have any great advice, but getting up earlier does help at our house. It's hard to do some Sundays, but I've just had to accept that if I don't do it, we will be late for church. And I will be cranky. After church, I just try to keep things simple. Of course, when I only have one kids that isn't napping, it makes "simple" that much easier.
Keri Bryant said…
Crock pot crock put crock pot! Take any soup recipe, throw it in the night before than put it on high when you wake up. dinner is ready wehn you walk in.
also, have the kids have quiet time, too. if they arent napping, they have to be quiet. doesnt work at our house, but it seems to work at others...:):):)

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